
Wanting to come back - but should I?

Ever since my PC packed in and I got a Mac about 18months ago, I stopped playing MS. But, ever since then I still constantly want to play, I'm just worried that it's not worth it anymore? If I was to play, I'd have to either dual boot my mac (which would be a PITA since I've not got much storage left on it) or go out and buy another laptop (Since there are also some other PC games I'm wanting to play, plus I want the Sims 4).

I left just after Xenon were released, and I'm not really sure what's happened since. Got a 14X Kanna, 13X Cannoneer, 12X Demon Slayer, 11X Wind Archer, 10X Luminous and Phantom and a low levelled Xenon. Have any of these classes had major nerfs/buffs? Did they fix the Kanna skills? Are there actually that many people playing anymore?

October 29, 2014

7 Comments • Newest first


Yeah, if you really want to return now is as good of a time as ever. Especially with the "Back to Old Maple" event.

Reply October 29, 2014

Why not to buy a mac: 2x the price and 1/2 the specs.

Reply October 29, 2014

I suggest you don't come back. I haven't been playing since spring so for around half a year, but I wanted to try the new class.
This is how it most likely will look for me (and probably for you): log in, create new character, play anywhere between 30min - to a few hours, realise how boring / repetitive / pointless this is, quit. Not worth getting a new PC / HDD, or even wasting time trying to set up a dual boot.

Good luck.

Reply October 29, 2014

See what I mean... Macs are Wack.

OT: If you like MS and other games then come back. No one is stopping you. BTW: If you plan to play games, I recommend to try buy yourself a PC than a laptop. Laptops doesn't last as long and over heats like crap.

Reply October 29, 2014

I see that you play in Khaini. I wouldn't come back to this game unless you have connections/have friends to play with. Khaini is a bit vacant at the moment. Well, that all depends on whether or not you enjoy playing solo.

Reply October 29, 2014

[quote=Romulan]Really you should have bought a Mac it seems. I personally don't see the benefit of having one, I'm sure you had your reasons for choosing a Mac right?
It's your own choice to play the games you want to play, but if I was you I wouldn't go out and buy a new laptop just to play Maplestory with. Can't you get a new harddrive for your mac?[/quote]
Nice unrelated post there

OT: Don't.

Reply October 29, 2014 - edited

Really you should have bought a Mac it seems. I personally don't see the benefit of having one, I'm sure you had your reasons for choosing a Mac right?
It's your own choice to play the games you want to play, but if I was you I wouldn't go out and buy a new laptop just to play Maplestory with. Can't you get a new harddrive for your mac?

Reply October 29, 2014 - edited