

Early Tempest skill build?

Okay, so since there are no updated Phantom guides, I'm going to roll with my own thing, but do want a little advice.

How would an earlier Tempest build fare, do you think? I'm thinking towards Evo Link 3 training, you can literally just stand there and Tempest the hell out of every spawn. However, with the long-ish CD of it at Level 1, and it only being 12 seconds at Level 30, does anyone think it'd be useful maxing it earlier?

May 14, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


If you wish you can build an SP build which max Tempest earlier but let's not forget, cool down and limited time of attack.
And also the reason why Mille is maxed earlier is because it is our only attacking skill in 4th job which does fast damage/mobs/able to move while using skill.
Tempest is an ultimate skill, if the skill was not classified as an ultimate, it'd be like Bishops when they could spam genesis every flippin time.
I believe that Mille is more useful in the long run and another thing, we can steal skills in 4th job as well, if you train at EVO world try to steal something like chain lightning to link the monster kills.

Thats about it for my input.

Reply May 15, 2013

I still prefer Mille to Tempest, although it is quite useful in evo 3... But I am still maxing it second to last, with MW being the only other thing left to max..

Reply May 15, 2013