
Portals and Npc Chatting

Ever since the Tempest past, has anyone else noticed these changes? Or do they only happen to me?
Portals have the new look, (unless if they were changed a while back idek) but now whenever I try to walk through them, I have to adjust my character to stand directly in the middle of the portal and then press Up. I don't know if I was the only one who used to just hold the up arrow until I reached the portal, but that doesn't work for me anymore.

Another thing is that if anyone had NPC chat set on "Y" and if you talked to an NPC for some quest or something, once you reached the Yes/No part of the dialogue, you could just press "Y" and it would auto-Yes for you. Does this not work for anyone anymore, as well?

I feel like everything's much more inefficient ..

December 1, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


you can't press up and walk to the portal at the same time... have to go to the portal, stop walking, and press up. Hate that change

Reply December 1, 2012

Yup, efficiency has indeed decreased.

Reply December 1, 2012

i hear you man
i hear you

Reply December 1, 2012