
Best class right now?

So I just came back to maple after like a year and now the job advancements are level 60 and 100, which is pretty cool, but now the level cap is 250?

There are like 5 new jobs or something, so I was planning to start a new character.
Any opinions on which class is the best right now?

December 10, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


aran anybody?

Reply December 10, 2013

Drks are strong and fun.

Reply December 10, 2013

My favorite is the Mechanic, and that's where my vote lies. But really, it depends on how you like to play, what your preferred style is, and all that jazz.

Personally, I find the Mechanic delightfully, powerful, forgiving, flexible, and adaptable. It has decent enough attack/defense to powerhouse solo, but also includes skills best used in a party setting. When I get involved, I have a repertoire of attack skills to use and adapt to every situation with. When I'm just mindlessly bossing or grinding, I just spam flamethrower at the target while keeping my MP up with pots.

I pretty much prefer the Resistance jobs above all others, with Mechanic in the lead there.

Battle Mage isn't was squishy as other mages, although still squishy (recently attempted a Cleric just for the hell of it; soooooo frikin' squishy!).

Xenon seems to have some of the same flexibility due to their Modal Shift skill.

And last time I played the Demons, they were ridiculous power houses that had yet to be buffed (seriously, the levels of monsters I could destroy with those guys, relative to player levels, were higher than any other PC's I've had!).

Really, in the Resistance camp, the weakest link seems to be the Wild Hunter. I really don't know what to do with mine.

But yes, Mechanic. At least give the Mechanic a whirl.

Reply December 10, 2013

You should wait for Zero, it's coming out pretty soon

Reply December 10, 2013