General Pirate

Jett Guide Up to 3rd Job Wip So, i see a lot of posts about this sort of thing-- (dramatization) [b]ZOMG THERE BE NO JETT GUYDS UP IN DIS PLACE GR RAGE RAGE RAGE SPAM RAGE UGH I'M SO MAD GR[/b] And really, i don't think there needs to be a guide for Jett. I mean seriously. First, Jett is kind of lame. In my own opinion, i dislike playing Jett a lot-- it's a class with recycled skills, Nexon needs to stop giving pirates laser beams, it's not even that good of a class until mid-third job, etc. Second, why follow Guides anyways? Or more accurately, why does Jett even need a guide? It's pretty easy on what to do... Thirdly, Jett is a filler class. I mean, we're all waiting for Phantom. But since FM DC hackers aren't letting me set up a shop and


Maplestory Music Awards 2012 Voting Period Nomination Thread So, without further ado, let the Voting Period begin! I will list all nominations for the title and forum-ers can vote on whichever for each category. Category 1: Overall Best BGM Demon Slayer-Decisive Battle-;list=FLASw65JHWVqDTTyLgUAubnw&index=42&feature=plpp_video Neo Tokyo Odaiba-;feature=related Forgetfulness- ToT Arena- Aqua Dungeon- Queen's Garden- Edelstein National Park- Category 2: Most Soothing/Calming BGM Tera Forest- Aran's Mirror Cave- Cygnus Garden- Orbis Tower- Ereve- Raindrop Flower- Ludi PQ Theme- Forgotten Path of Time- Demon Slayer Intro (Despair on Devil)-;feature=BFa&list=FLW2Wrzg4jh1dTiRwzcrIuug Forgotten Passage Thanatos- Category 3: Best Bossin


The Big Fat Maplestory Guide Volume 2 Help Needed [header] THE BIG FAT MAPLESTORY GUIDE: TBFMG[/header] [header]RECRUITMENT TIME![/header] Written by Sharky [header] VOLUME TWO: FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT [header] It’s just you, your weapon, and your ability to mash your keyboard. Oh, and the gigantic boss that takes up about ¾ of your computer screen. For this volume, I decided to concentrate on a popular pastime of the protypical Mapler: [b]bossing[/b]. So, what exactly is [b]bossing[/b]? Bossing is the process of taking down bosses that would usually take parties of 6 or more people to complete. These are such as Zakum, Balrog, Scarlion, Targa, and more. [b]Minibosses[b] are bosses that can be taken down by a single fighter, usually foun


The Big Fat Maplestory Guide Volume 1 Choose Your Weapon [header] The Big Fat Maplestory Guide: TBFMG[/header] Written by Sharky [i]NOTE: I’m more than happy to receive suggestions, but it’s kind of hard going through the forums to check them. It’s fine to criticize (honestly, it is), but if you really, really, really want me to change something, PM it to me [/i] [b]edit : added iEvanMaster's Dual Blade contribution and cleaned it up a little[/b] [b]edit: added Mechanic, Night Lord guides and updated Battlemage, Mercedes, and Bowmaster guides[/b] [header] VOLUME ONE: Choose Your Weapons [/header] Hey, you guys. You all know I love to write, so here I am, once again, with a colossal wall of text for you. If you’re going to take the t


The Big Fat Maplestory Guide Pre-Guide [b] edit: the main thing of this guide is to tell new players which class to play, so assume that you're writing for people who have NEVER played your class before. thanks in advance!- Sharky [/b] [header]edit: what we still need[/header] warrior general- u/d Hero- eicho [b]DONE![/b] DK- Woefully [b]DONE![/b] Paladin-eicho [b]DONE![/b] Aran- u/d Demonslayer-Sharky[b]DONE![/b] archer general-roxkej[b]DONE![/b] Bowmaster-u/d Marksman- Swordply, Woefully [b]DONE![/b] Wildhunter-piggable [b]DONE![/b] Mercedes-Sharky [b]DONE![/b] mage general- piplupstar [b]DONE![/b] ILAM- kidpapafluff[b]DONE![/b] FPAM- coolgear[b]DONE![/b] evan- piggable [b]DONE![/b] BaM- mikesyun Bishop-leep878 [b]DONE![/b] thief general-

General Thunderbreaker

Thunder Breakers For Dummies [header] The Ultimate Thunder Breaker Guide [/header] [b]Legal Notice: this is not a skill build guide or a training guide. If you’re looking for that, I’ll link it at the end. Sit tight.[/b] [b] Table of Contents [/b] Introduction I: The Essentials of the Ever-Heroic Knight of Cygnus II: Pros and Cons of the Swashbuckling Pirate III: Derpxterity—do I need it? IV: Gearing Up For Adventure V: Tips and Tricks for a Try-hard Tank Other Guides [header] Introduction [/header] Hey all! I’m back again, and this time I’d like to present to you the most swashbuckling, Kyrin-obsessed, shark-throwing pirate ever to set foot in the Maple World! That’s right, today we’re going in-depth with the notorious [b] TH

General Mercedes

The Mercedes Battle Mode Guide Revised [header]Mercedes Battle Mode Guide V1.3[/header] Update: completely revised. Our favorite androgynous dual-blade x sniper offspring comes right from the depths of hell—I mean Elluel—to beat the tar out of you with magic arrow laser. Did someone say OP? Timeframe: If you play games like DOTA or LoL, or even timed sports such as swimming or track, you’ll know how much one second matters. That being said, some skills have maybe just half a second of delay, and can spell the difference between death and life. [header] Mercedes Pros and Cons: [/header] Okay, to start it off: Pros and Cons [header] Mercedes Pros: [/header] [b]Mobility:[/b] Cedes is renowned for her (I mean his, I mean it’s…) mobili

General Demonslayer

Updated Ds Battle Mode Guide Hoo-Rah [header]puny humans![/header] [header]DEMON SLAYER PVP GUIDE V. 1.3 (as of 2/2/12)[/header] Hey guys, this is my (kind of) updated PVP guide for Demon Slayers. Because I made mine rather late (1/14/12) I’m only in third job, so for you fourth jobbers out there, I can’t help you. Sorry about that. So, without further ado, let’s dive in. Update: this has been slightly revised. Just letting you know. I’m also going to assume you already know the skills, so be wary of abbreviations and whatnot. Update: Revised again. Lessened the amount of abbreviations. You’re welcome, guys! Timeframe: If you play games like DOTA or LoL, or even timed sports such as swimming or track, you’ll know how much one se


Wall of Text Thief Resistance Backstory// Demon Slayer so guys, i took a break from making my Bucc Battle Mode Guide, and wrote this little backstory. i dunno, re-made a mech and the scene with the girl in the capsules really made me think about this. anyways, here's a little backstory. if you guys like it, i'll make a skillset (even though i've made one already) so, imagine Natsu of Fairy Tail + Demon Slayer + Vladmir from LoL + Naruto's Kyuubi Mode and you have this guy. oh, and Valvatorres of Disgaea. i've been playing way too much Disgaea lately. Vampyre (Vampire) + (pyre). duh. hence the bleed effect and burn effects. again, bleed doesent come from MS, i've been playing too much LoL lately too. and i got banned for raging after our Shy


Demon Slayer Pvp Guide DEMON SLAYER PVP GUIDE V. 1.2 Hey guys, this is my (kind of) updated PVP guide for Demon Slayers. Because I made mine rather late (1/14/12) I’m only in third job, so for you fourth jobbers out there, I can’t help you. Sorry about that. So, without further ado, let’s dive in. Wait. Wait. Waiiiiit. Before we dive in, you need to know the skills. I’m going to abbreviate them from now on, so you need to know what they are. DS (1) Demon Lash- DL or DLash, whatever I feel like. Actually, lets just say Lash. All upgrades will still be called Lash. Yum. Grim Scythe: GS Battle Pact: BP DS (2) Soul Eater: SE (not sharp eyes! lawl) Dark Thrust: DT Chaos Lock : CL or Tele Vengeance: Venge DS (3) Judgement: Judge Vortex of


Maple Claws button trophy how to get it so, yeah, i see a lot of threads about this. and for some reason, this quest glitches and won't give you the medal, even if you've done it once a day for seven days. yeah, that's right. you have to do it once a day for seven days, guys. and that doesent even work. so how does one get this medal? for some reason, when yo finish the black wings commander emblems quest from Gaga, your day/7 bar in the Maple Claws quest increases by one. HOWEVER. the maple claws quest dissapears tommorow, so many of us wont be able to recieve the trophy at all, unless Nexon compensates a couple of days. or, magically, after the Claws event is over, we magically get the trophy. hmph. unlikely. anyways, i'm honestly disgust


stirgeman item upgrades and hipster beginners hey all, i was wondering if i could still upgrade my lame stirgeman cape into something better. i know what materials i need (via hidden-street) but i want to know if upgrades were possible before i start farming glutton ghouls. also: you are a maplestory hipster perma-beginner. what would you wear? like say you were a lv 200 beginner. what would you wear, for the looks? no zhelms, scar/targ helms, pac/puac. MAN, htp, etc, you know. [b]EDIT: NO NX :P[/b]

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