


Why dont i get leech exp? ok hi im trying to bf leech a mule this is how i do it... and i hit bf 1 dmg with a lvl 31 wind archer then i logg out the wind archer and logg in on the lvl 26 magican and i am in same pt as the hero killing bf and the wind archer that offline. but when the bf die i dont get leech exp? i also tryed with same but lvl 27 warrior on diffrent account than the magican and the wind archer. and i dont get any exp then either. now why dont i get any exp? its not more then 5 lvls diffrence and they are same pt and im 100% sure that the wind archer hitted bf. i got 2 diffrent ideas why the mules isnt getting exp. 1.bcz the wind archer that hitted bf is offline 2.bcz its a wind archer and not a normal archer Sorry for really