
How does bossing damage work?

This has irked me for quite a while
Let's suppose you have 100% Boss Damage and 70% Ignore Defense

Let's say you hit 1mil damage per line on a monster like Green Mushrooms
Let's say you decide to fight Normal Zakum who has 40% PDR if i'm correct

So with your 70% Ignore Defense, he will only have 12% PDR, so your 1 mil damage will be be 880k?
Then with your 100% Boss Damage, you hit hit 1.76mil per line?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that how your final damage to bosses is calculated?
Oh right there's physical and magic resist?
Does anyone know what bosses have phyiscal/magic or elemental resist, whatever it's called.
Like Normal Zakum, Hilla, HT, PB, and etc? And like how much?

August 26, 2016

2 Comments • Newest first


You also have to factor in elemental resist, which most bosses have about 50% of. meaning half your damage after your damage is reduced from pdr.

Reply August 27, 2016

dmg = (100 + %total damage + % boss)*(1-PDR*IED) * other stuff
Unless something has changed, NZak does not have 40% PDR
You also have to take out your % total damage
In reboot, we already have 100% total damage
so without it, we'd do 500K. Then with total and boss, we'd do 1.5M. Then subtract the PDR stuff.

Reply August 26, 2016