

P/C reverse Pescas

So I finally made the weapon I've always wanted. I reverse Pescas. I was wondering how much it was worth.
It's stats are

+2 Str
+2 Dex
108 W.att
7 slots
Level 1

No potential.

I was wondering would it be better to resell this and go buy something that's already potentialed or risk it and potential it myself?

-I currently do not have enough money for a 90% Pot scroll-

May 6, 2011

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=tenebrous]It has no luk? Why didn't you put luk on it o-o'

And you're going to need to pot it sooner or later. That wep is avg with an adv diamond so it's going to be worth about the same as it cost to make, maybe less because no luk.[/quote]

Adding a luk crystal completely left my mind at the time =P
Are you sure it's worth as much as made it for cause I made sure I bought the cheapest materials.

Reply May 6, 2011

If you don't have enough to potential it with 90% just save up for it.

Reply May 6, 2011