

What should I buy / What range can I get with 8b on Cannon?

Hey guys, I decided to fund around 8b into my Cannoneer and I was wondering what items I should aim to get. Also, what kind of range am I looking at? I kind of want at least a 50k range, right now I have a 15k~ range and I'm basically wearing clean level 100 items with a Necro Oblivion. I'm thinking of buying clean main set Root Abyss, Reinforced Gollux set, and maybe Tyrant if I can afford it. Would it be better for me to cube it myself or look around for %STR on them(I'd be looking for around 6% STR on each piece, which seems easy enough to cube)? I'm fairly sure going RA set is the best option for me right now, but I want to know any other options that are available so I get the most bang out of my buck.

November 1, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


I have a 66k range without dropping anything but a clean CRA set, as well as random event items here and there.
Your 8b will get you rather far

Reply November 2, 2014

I can sell you a perfect fafnir cannon if you come on over to Khaini

Reply November 2, 2014


Thanks for the advice guys. Investing into a perfect endgame cannon seems like the best idea at the moment and I won't have to worry about a weapon later. Seems like a plan.

Reply November 1, 2014

iirc I had ~200k range with just perfect cannon and few %str equips
50k should be easy with 8b
I suggest you get a perfect cannon first with your mesos
+ yeah you should cube yourself. more fun and who knows maybe you will get legendary with first cube hahahah

Reply November 1, 2014