


Do you think that reparations should be paid in the US of A? Why or why not?

September 5, 2017

8 Comments • Newest first


Quit acting like you were a slave just because your grandparents were one doesn't mean you will also be a slave.

Reply September 9, 2017

I don't think anyone should pay reparations for a crime they haven't committed.
I don't think that crimes are inherited from a parent to their child, let alone between people who share arbitrary common factors, like nationality, skin color and / or ethnicity.

I assume you're taking about reparations for slavery of African-Americans in the United States, since this is what the options in the poll refer to.

Beyond my problem with the fact that there is no one alive today who lived in the time before the Emancipation Proclamation, you have a problem of identifying those who have to pay.
To me, telling white people as a whole to pay these reparations is not the right way to go.
First of all, it's going to increase racial tensions.
Second of all, it's going to include people whose parents / grandparents, great-grandparent (...) fought against slavery. That means that you are going to punish the ancestors of those who help fight against that crime they're going to pay the reparations for.

If you are going to take all of that into account, you'll end up having to interrogate everyone about their family line, and then you may have issues of people who came from both slave-owners and those who fought slavery, which, among many other things, will make paying these reparations far more troublesome than it's worth.

Reply September 9, 2017

For a moment I was like... What.. Nexon introduced Weapon break and this guy wants use to pay to repair them?

Reply September 9, 2017

@userwhat: I think he's referring to reparations for slavery, since he's talking about black people in the 1800s in the poll. Although he should clarify further, if he's also referring to things like segregation and other issues.

To give my take on this, there isn't a right or wrong answer to this question: the issue involves whether or not you believe in reparations as a form of justice. If yes, then you will believe that African-Americans should be given some form of compensation for the injustices done against them in prior American history, even if it involves ancestors and doesn't really involve anybody in the present day at all. (Of note: compensation has been directly given to those who were implicated in the Japanese internment camps, as well as the Natives in those Aboriginal residential schools in Canada, for example. So reparations as justice is not just an issue solely dedicated to slavery in America.) On the other hand, if no, then you don't believe so.

Reply September 5, 2017 - edited

Reparations for what exactly?

Reply September 5, 2017 - edited

List the pros and cons.

Reply September 5, 2017 - edited