

General Gms

HealingDork, Scammer Alert Don't trust "HealingDork"! He's a scammer in Scania! He will try buying your items via PP and tell you he will buy your item at a/w. He will also send a fake email from: Service.intl.paypal. com <service_intlcom> NOTE THAT IT'S HOTMAIL. And if he adds you on skype, be careful! He probably will scam on other characters after this, so if his skype is: carlos.riveras8 block immediately! :) [b]Him Agreeing to give me a psok then pay me 246 USD.[/b] [b]His skype info.[/b] [b]His fake email. Note that its via hotmail. Lmao.[/b] [b]And my empty PayPal account![/b] Sorry it's tumblr posts, wouldn't let me post puushs :/