

I throw up when i eat fruits after i eat a meal

fun fact about me !!!
I feel sick in my stomach when i eat fruit after i eat a meal and im full.
I feel like vomiting and my mouth starts to fill up with saliva but with a will of steel im often able to repress the vomiting feeling. Ofc this does not always work..
I've known this my whole life and I've been trying to tell my family about it but they're like na ur lying eat the dam fruit we're giving u and im like no pls ill have to use my will of steel to repress the vomiting feeling but ya they still just make me eat the fruits man like smh !!
well today i threw up and now my mom finally sees the truth.
I ate hotpot with my mama and after she gave me oranges to eat as a desert so im like ugh... time to use my will of steel..!!! that will of steel broke... i knew i was too weak to stop myself so i rushed to the toilet and witnessed my partly digested food being dumped into the toilet bowl. and saw those dam oranges.

ya so sukkit mom, i was telling the truth !!!

thats my story for today.

December 6, 2015

6 Comments • Newest first


i get rly nauseous when i eat breakfast... or in the morning in general

Reply December 6, 2015

one time my parents kept giving me food when we were at a restaurant and for once i forced myself to eat it all way past the point of being full and then i spent the next 5 hours trying to not vomit b/c i overate lmao never again

Reply December 6, 2015

your parents force you to eat!?!? the starving children in Japan would love to have some food.

Reply December 6, 2015

Hmmm you probably shouldn't eat fruit then.

Reply December 6, 2015

the acid in the fruit probably reacts with your stomach acid, esp when you're full. some advanced case of heartburn maybe - rather than feeling a burning sensation, your body just throws up the food.

get that checked.

Reply December 6, 2015

i feel nauseous after eating apples for some reason but theyre so damn good i cant stop

Reply December 6, 2015