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Looking for Motivational Workout Music Hey Maplers/Basilers! I have been given the task to find motivation pumpin' music to help make exercising more lively. Sadly, for the past few days I have only found 3 songs... There were some songs suggested on Google, but they seemed a bit awkward to me. So I was wondering if you guys could help me in my quest. I would really appreciate the help. If there is any motivational, hyped, or just music that you think would help make exercising less dreadful, please post it. Thank you and have a nice day :D.

General Site

Basil traders and their issues Like seriously, most of all my items that get bidded on get cancelled since the bidder doesn't want to buy it since they got a new equip., or have no money, etc. This gets me frustrated at the fact that someone would do that! If your going to bid on something, be sure about it before pressing the bid button or don't even use Basil at all... Has this happened to you? If so how many times, what's their lame excuse, and the emotion that you feel when asked to delete their bid.