

Why do people think its fun to ruin peoples game on LoL?

Seriously, if someone calls a lane whether it's normals or ranked.. Just let them god damn have it, people always chucking a sook.. Like seriously can people just grow up?
Also what goes through the mind of Bronze players.. (I could say I'm bronze as well haven't done my 10 placement matches yet) Do they ever listen when you tell them what's best for them? They just go raging like crazy or blame others for their stupid mistakes (I have bad games too).. Also some kids needs to bloody upgrade their stupid toasters, I'm sick of playing with dc'ers it's infuriating..

Also, OCE server for LoL is probably the worst server I've been too.. The community here is trash, toxic af, crying useless kids over lanes YET THEY DO BAD at it..
Woot, kids on school holidays now for Aus.. Yayyy

For the people from Oceania that didn't transfer from NA, good on you it's trash here. You'll regret transferring here.
Most people here ARE so BAD here and brainless people that don't listen it's annoying..

Lately there's also been alot of Chinese imports here in Oceania.. Don't they have their own Server? It's like Mexicans in NA all over again (insta-loss)
It's so damn hard to communicate with them.. You get these weird blocks as replies >.<

September 20, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first

Kitkat433 this

Reply September 20, 2013 - edited

People need to understand that if they're the lower pick than someone else who wants the same role in ranked, they should just give it to the other guy.

Reply September 20, 2013 - edited

You must be in Bronze, everyone is toxic there. Also you're obviously not going to find it fun but pissing people off in an online game can be amusing at times because it's so easy, especially on LoL. I've had no problem with OCE, I prefer it as I can talk to MY people and make jokes that no one would understand in NA, even if it was a little more toxic I wouldn't care because I get 6X better ping.

Reply September 20, 2013 - edited