

How and What to Merch

Hey Guys so ive decided to write a thread for the people who dont know how to merch! As you all might know the Main Rule is Buy low Sell High. Sounds easy but it really isnt. Mostly people in the fm (free market) merch away 10 atk Work gloves, white scrolls, protection scrolls, and AEE (advanced equip enhancement scroll). You may think well I only have about 1-2m to start with so i cant afford them. Well make ur way up one way is to monster park and sell the items you find. another is do gfa 60% quests! It is a quick 8 million depending on what server you are in. Or buy scrolls all of em 200-400k each and resell for 1mil quick mesos right there. Thats a basic merchant guide. An Advanced one is cubing and scrolling equip merch. (Aka godly item merch) You may see in fm shops the items worth 2,147,483,647 and a 1 meso item sold. Well the reason that is you all should know but its because they can sell that item for more then max mesos so they leave it in the shops and see the prices people offer. Doing this you need godly scrolls (aee gms 50%pink and what not). then you need nx to cube the item once its at a godly potential and 3 lined you are ready to resell that for a high profit! Thats the 2 ways to merch off items! Comment below if you have questions.

April 28, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


Yea i did miss a few things i will admit. But the reason i use monster park is because intermediate item crystals cost like 1m for 33 plates which is 33 rings. and avg 5-10 of them are powders so 20-25 are plates. and then while the high amount of people selling em its like 50k in windia so yea lol. idk prices in other servers. You can un pot the items from monster park ive gotten a few 3% luk thief pants and 3%str tops from it and made about 200m from it. so i mean it really just matters what you can do.

Reply April 28, 2012

You fail to mention a list of inflating scrolls. Just a tip, invest all your money into AEE's and 50% 2h/1h Pinks. Also, a quicker way to start off is instead of monster park, but using the crafting system. You can easily make an easy 10mil in about 10 minutes by crafting Intermediate Item Crystals. Make the level 70 earrings that only cost 1 plate then extract it for 2-3 crystals and they can be easily sold for 100k a piece. I would recommend that rather than monster park because crystals are much easier to sell.

You also don't fill the gap between merching godly items and basic merchanting. Once you reach about 400mil, try looking around the FM for botters that sell their scrolls and MMB's for dirt cheap and buy them and sell them for a few mil more.

Also a question for the TS, unless you're a duper and you can get your hands on free scrolls, couldn't you possibly lose money from perfecting a piece of equipment? I mean, I've seen people fail 40 20%'s in a row and 40 EE's in a row and cubing is also a hella gambe.

Reply April 28, 2012

1. A noob merchant does not know what AEE's, 10 ATT WG's, White scrolls, and protection scrolls are.
2. No offense, but people don't ever take things like this seriously if they are just jumbled together with bad grammar.
3. There are many more helpful Merchanting guides which say the exact same thing you said and more,
Thanks for trying.

Reply April 28, 2012