
20% Boss Dmg Unique Keep or Recube?

So my weapon is unique with 20% boss dmg but my secondary is still rare. I have 3 black cubes left in reward shop so should I try to go legendary on my prim weapon or just use it on my secondary (only 2 potential lines rare).

July 17, 2015

6 Comments • Newest first


@epikkhighh: The chance of failing 4 50%'s is super small. However not teiring up after 4 cubes is much greater

Reply July 17, 2015

[quote=MrSinDeath19]Always epic pot from rare. It's much cheaper and the chances of double teiring are so low its not worth it.[/quote]

what if bad luck hits and you failed 4 in a row? that never happened to me, in fact i once passed 8/8/ 50's, but what if?

i would say hunt a few bosses and see if a master craftsman cube drops. use 2-3 and if its still rare, use an epic pot. epic pots are expensive before miracle time..

Reply July 17, 2015 - edited

Always epic pot from rare. It's much cheaper and the chances of double teiring are so low its not worth it.

Reply July 17, 2015 - edited

What above said, use epic scrolla to go from rare>epic

Reply July 17, 2015 - edited

Wouldn't an epic pot or 2 from the FM be cheaper (I think it's best to assume that it'll take more than a few cubes to tier up)

Reply July 17, 2015 - edited

[quote=wall]never black cube a rare item, and wait for miracle time (tomorrow) to use the rest of your cubes[/quote]

During miracle time (tomorrow), I was going to black cube everything to bring to at least unique... Even my rare potential items. Should I use red to bring to epic then black cube them?
Or is black cubing everything during miracle time the best option?

Please help! Thank you

Reply July 17, 2015 - edited