
Best way to rank up pot with mesos?

Was wondering if you think crafting cubes was better (master or meister?), converting mesos in cs cubes, or using unique pot scrolls was the most efficient way of ranking up potential tiers.
And any other ways you can think of

November 20, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


[quote=archxever]You may take 1 cube to rank from epic to unique, or you may get it from using 100+ cubes on it. Too much luck involved in that sheet.

Right now in bera a unique pot scroll is like 3-4b and a safety scroll (So you can keep the scroll in case it fails) its like 2k-4k nx? (I forgot), so you would spend around 5b to get 1 Equip to unique.

safety only protects a slot...
guardian scrolls are what people use to protect scrolls from poofing on fails. 2.4k NX

Reply November 21, 2014

@archxever thanks I might try one equip with unique pot and another with cubes and compare how much it took to get each and for decent stats too

Reply November 21, 2014

You may take 1 cube to rank from epic to unique, or you may get it from using 100+ cubes on it. Too much luck involved in that sheet.

Right now in bera a unique pot scroll is like 3-4b and a safety scroll (So you can keep the scroll in case it fails) its like 2k-4k nx? (I forgot), so you would spend around 5b to get 1 Equip to unique.

If you want to spend your money on crafting the Master Craftmans cubes instead, from a calculation i did some weeks ago, it takes like 150-200m to craft one master craftman, 250-300m for meister iirc. (Buying them is like 300 and 500)

With a 5b budget you can get 25-33 Master Craftmans or 16-20 Meister cubes by crafting them. (16 Master and 10 Meister if bought)

If you think your luck is enough to get unique in 16-33 cubes then go ahead, otherwise Unique pot scroll is the cheapest, faster and safest option.

Reply November 20, 2014


Hey yeah if I could exhibit the patience to wait hahaha.
I figured with the price of a unique pot 80% you could probably craft around 30 master craftsman cubes... but im not sure about the chances of it ranking up. I've only ever ranked up once with master craftsmans from epic to unique

Reply November 20, 2014

I would just wait til miracle time. We should be due for one in the next few months.
Then imo it would be black cubes the most efficient but i might be wrong.
If its epic to unique i think just farming master cubes is the cheapest. Unique pots would probably be better than buying/crafting master cubes though.

Reply November 20, 2014