
Kmst Equipment Inheritance

"A while back I talked about the potential inheritance system, which was basically if your item got destroyed while scrolling, you would receive an Item Traces which carried the potential of your item. These Traces could then be used on another of the same equip to regain the potential you had previously.

Well, in this patch, it has been renamed equipment inheritance, and this is because the Traces will now carry over scrolled stats as well! I love this change, now if you boom your equip you just need to get another clean version and you'll have all your progress back!"

IMO I think this is both awesome and kind of a bad thing. It's basically a protection scroll that cost the same as the item you destroyed clean.

July 17, 2014

11 Comments • Newest first


[quote=hyperfire7]Don't forget that they also further reduced the cost and increased the success rate of 10+ enhancements.
Props to KMS for taking another step to fix the preposterous gap between the rich and poor in this game.
Now I just hope GMS won't alter it.[/quote]

Remember the enhancement system doesnt exist in KMS yet

Reply July 17, 2014

Don't forget that they also further reduced the cost and increased the success rate of 10+ enhancements.
Props to KMS for taking another step to fix the preposterous gap between the rich and poor in this game.
Now I just hope GMS won't alter it.

Reply July 17, 2014

[quote=AgedOne]Good luck to whoever blows up a one of a kind equip like the Ghost Ship Exorcist badge.[/quote]

lol exactly what i thought

Reply July 17, 2014

@x3Inferno:I remember before the latest Marvel machine I waited like, a month or two for clean Dual Bowgun fafnirs to be on market and the only one was a fully scrolled one. Then Marvel pumped a few 10 or so into the FM and now they're almost out of it again. Clean stuff come and go as well, depending on what it is. And what I'm stressing here is the fact that so many variables play a role in this that it could actually make this method less favorable. In a way, this gives you more choices on how you want to get the job done (Your equipment geared up). If it's in a time where you can't afford a clean or there isn't one in the FM for ages, AND it just so happens to be the time where an event or the Cash shop is selling protection scroll, it's up to you to decide what to do (Leroy Jenkins the thing, Wait patiently, or do events/buy nx). It doesn't make one less favorable permanently, it just makes things more convenient for us in certain situations. You can be super lucky and have all the choices, or super unlucky and have none of the choices as well, but at least there's more chances of the former happening since there are more options being added in.

There's also the problem with money. The two things you mentioned are indeed the two things people scroll the most, but they are also very expensive to many. For some, the least expensive can also be too expensive as well. It wouldn't make a difference if something worth 1bil drops to 700mil (If you still can't buy it) would it? That's what happened to the Tyrant Charon (Archer) cape in Bera the last month or two, but it's still way too expensive.

Reply July 17, 2014 - edited

This'll be good for potential scrolls. Exactly what I could use in a few weeks.

Reply July 17, 2014 - edited

I love this system.
Personally, I think they introduced it so people wouldn't be like "I blew up my perfect item, now I'm going to quit" or "Dear GM, I blew up my item (by accident), I would like compensation pls."

@x3Inferno Not Tyrant belts/boots. (Those are still somewhat rare on less populated servers and can cost upto 8b clean) [So would you rather boom tyrant boots or spend the 8k nx it requires per prot (2.4k per guardian).

Reply July 17, 2014 - edited

[quote=TheAznBob]It gives you the choice of getting a Protection scroll, or spending money on another clean version of what you blew up. Who knows, what if there aren't any in the market the time you blew it up, or you don't have enough mesos to buy a new one? Protection scrolls usually costs NX and Event Coins, but to me this looks like a Meso cost alternative. o~0[/quote]

Well amusing it's Faf or Tyrant the two things people scroll the most there will be some in the FM. Not to mention they're both deflating rather fast.

Also protection scrolls come and go depending on the event and are not also the easiest to buy through the gift shops.

Reply July 17, 2014 - edited

This is good, overall. I'm glad they're doing this because the reason almost every non-NX user stayed away from the potential system is because of fear their item will be blown up and gone forever.
This lessens the gap between the rich and poor.

Reply July 17, 2014 - edited

It gives you the choice of getting a Protection scroll, or spending money on another clean version of what you blew up. Who knows, what if there aren't any in the market the time you blew it up, or you don't have enough mesos to buy a new one? Protection scrolls usually costs NX and Event Coins, but to me this looks like a Meso cost alternative. o~0

Reply July 17, 2014 - edited

Good luck to whoever blows up a one of a kind equip like the Ghost Ship Exorcist badge.

Reply July 17, 2014 - edited

ok thank u for ur insight

Reply July 17, 2014 - edited