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quotYou have been disconnected from the login serverquot So here's how it goes: 1. I start maplestory, either through gamelauncher or from the website 2. The ahnlab and the blackcipher things show up 3. The black screen shows up with the glove thing at the top left 4. A few seconds later, the loading screen with the jumping mushroom shows up 5. A few minutes later, the maplestory window closes 6. A box pops up that tells me that i have been disconnected from the login server. What do i do? I'm currently using my old computer that has windows xp because my laptop is getting repaired but I never had this problem before on this computer.


Just joined again Hey guys! So I quit maple a few months back (I think it was like right before kaiser luminous and angelic buster came out) and i decided that I'm going to rejoin maple. If anyone could help me out that would be cool. Note: I AM NOT ASKING FOR ANY MESOS. I just want to know what's new since I left and I need some help getting back into the maple flow. I'll be online in Scania in a bit, so if you want to help me out just leave a comment below and we can meet when i get online. Thanks :)


Nidalee or Lux? League of Legends Hey guys, I'm at that moment again where I reach a certain amount of IP and have to decide who to buy. This time, I'm at 3150 IP, and my choices are either nidalee or lux. I've played Nidalee a lot before (when she was free and I bought her on my smurf) and I think she's really fun and cool to play. Lux seems really cool too and she has been recommended to me many times before. Before you vote, take a few things into consideration: 1. Damage of the champion 2. Sustain of the champion 3. How fun the champion is


The League of Legends thread Before you ask why I'm not making a thread on the League of Legends forums, I'll tell you why. I don't like the League of Legends forums and every forum there is a League of Legends forum, hence making this one of no importance. Also, I think Basilmarket is my officially favorite forum website and I want to see how many Maplers actually play League of Legends. Anyways, let's get started. You can post anything you want relating to LoL. I'll start: I got a pentakill with Katarina two days ago. It's actually my second penta. My first was also with Kat. Also, is Pulsefire Ezreal worth 3250 RP? Or is Frosted Ezreal better for its price?

General Chat

Fifa Thirteen Help Sup guys, I ordered fifa 13 and it should be here in a few days. I got it cuz I thought it was really fun and so that I can play it w/ my friends. So anyways, before it arrives, just a few questions. 1:Does anyone here play fifa 13? 2:How do you make quick and easy money in ultimate team? 3:What do you recommend for a beginner (Just in general, hints, tips, what players to get)? 4:Is it really a good game, or was it just one of those games where you have only have fun the first time you play it? Edit: there's a random smiley face after the one, but don't mind that. It happens when you type colon D. anyways, its supposed to be colon D.

General Chat

I have procrastination problems I have extreme procrastination problems. Everyday pretty much goes like this: 1)I go to school (Obviously I do other things before I go to school but they are irrelevant) 2)I come back (Same applies) 3)I play league of legends until like 7 5)I decide to do my homework 6)I feel like watching some youtube videos, then its like 8 7)Repeat 5 and 7 until 10 o clock 8)I start my homework, sometimes I even have to finish some in school because i start so late Extra 9) I usually have a lot of projects that I start the day before its due, and at like 9-10 o clock too. I NEED HELP


Free Zakum Runs in Scania Hey Guys :D Before i say anything, i just wanna say that today, i successfully completed my first zakum solo in 12 minutes :D. Now that i can solo zakum in a DECENT amount of time, i really want to start giving out free zakum runs. This is in SCANIA. If you want a free zakum run for the helmet or evan books, please pm me. Just PLEASE have the prequests done before you ask me for a run. I can solo in 10-12 minutes. P.S.- I'm sorry i know i don't have really great damage. Edit: If you want me to do a run for you, it would be greatly appreciated if you could drop the eye of fire. 2nd Edit: If you guys do not want to die in the zakum run, head over to nlc and buy some ginger ales. Those are the greatest pots ever.


Uncontrollable lag in ch 1 fm scania Everytime i go there, i either lag to the point where the screen changes every 4-5 minutes, or i just dc. I went ahead and defragmented my computer, and it worked the next time i went it. It had minimal lag. Then when i closed maple and went back later, the lag and the dcing came back. I even tried to do that thing to set the maplestory priority on high. Nothing works. Any solutions? PS: Please Do not tell me that it's because my computer sucks. I know my computer sucks. But my friend's computer sucks more and he can go in there.

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