

Mma Fighting

I made a threat late at night about people that does Martial Arts, not much people answered, should've posted earlier.
What Martial arts do you take, Mixed Martial Arts DO NOT COUNT: Wrestling

Have you ever been knocked out before IN A MATCH?
Yes you did don't lie.
When you got knocked out did your teeth fall off, i know mouth guards prevents it or minimizes the chance of it happening.
If you do Martial Arts, classes don't count and dummies don't also.
If you have been in real matches where someone gets knocked out?

May 29, 2015

9 Comments • Newest first


Ive been to jail for inciting a brawl and have had 5 other strwet fights.. I spar with my friend (no pads).
Tkd and wing chun

Reply May 30, 2015

[quote=Xiscis]But don't you feel like a piece of doo doo when u get your consciousness back
Like in the show when someone gets knocked out, they wake up with a horrible ache[/quote]

Half the time you are to angry you got hit to even be phased. Unless you can't take a punch.

Reply May 30, 2015

in fights u have to much addreline to get hurt by a knockout
well thats what i think

Reply May 29, 2015

[quote=xdarkshynobi]Being knocked out is like a flash of white. It really depends on you if you hit the ground like a bih. You really do see stars.[/quote]

But don't you feel like a piece of doo doo when u get your consciousness back
Like in the show when someone gets knocked out, they wake up with a horrible ache

Reply May 29, 2015

Being knocked out is like a flash of white. It really depends on you if you hit the ground like a bih. You really do see stars.

Reply May 29, 2015 - edited

[quote=ILikeAnime]I participate in kickboxing matches in the Netherlands. You don't feel anything by getting knocked down though, only wondering what the heck your doing on the ground.[/quote]

So its like a shock, and one second later u end up on the floor?

Reply May 29, 2015 - edited

I participate in kickboxing matches in the Netherlands. You don't feel anything by getting knocked down though, only wondering what the heck your doing on the ground.

Reply May 29, 2015 - edited

In high school I fought someone for being a bully. I got punched in the face, he was to weak to do any damage me, i submitted him to the ground and started bashing his head into the floor.

In a bar one of my friend was losing a fight, so i jump kicked the dude in his back and started kicking him on the ground.
In some alley these 6 group of emo skate boarders wanted to start chit, with one of my friends, 6vs6 really my brother came outta and rushed someone and knocked his teeth in. While my cousin slammed someone into the fence. My homie, started beating the chit outta this dude, like a full 4 piece followed by another 4 piece and the dude fell to the ground and he kept beating his face in for about 5 more seconds. I didn't do anything.

Another time this dude wanted to square off with me, I had no complaint about it. He definitely couldn't fight I throw a 3 piece and everything landed, so I stopped asked if he wanted to keep going.

We were drinking a few brews and my homie got koky and wanted to fade, because he was a friend i didn't wanna go all out. Anyways he came at me rushing me and stuck me a few times in the face 2 hits and then i backed up and got serious. He rushed in again and i wasn't gonna let him off he ran into a straight, I stepped back and he kept rushing swing like crazy, so i said **** it, and started to beat his ass, hit him in the face once then i started doing combos on his core until he backed up and threw up.

At my cousins baby shower, I fought my homies bf, he was really aggressive so i kept my guard up constantly until he stopped throwing his fist, and i was aiming at his core because he was taller than me, i hit him a few times until he buckled and he tightened up his guard we squared off throw hands and weaving hits, until he ran outta breath.
At the same time I fought my brother I started packing in the hits early on, he didn't really throw any hands. All he did was weave and block, so I quit. My cousin took me on and he was weaving my hits this was before I had much experience on looking at my surroundings, I stepped to the side and had no room to because i ran into the wall I took a heavy right to the jaw.(you don't really need a mouth piece to keep your teeth keep your mouth closed duh).
Their was this other time i took on my homie who said he took boxing classes; i didn't care because i knew he never got into a real fight. I was faster and stronger than him. So i went easy on him weaving side stepping and blocking. After messing with him I was throwing combos on him until he just kept backing up. I hit him a lot but not hard, he hit only like 4 times in the whole 3 minutes. 2 of the hits i ran into because i wanted to do some cool techniques. He didn't wanna fight anymore

Probably more but I am to lazy to type anymore.

Reply May 29, 2015 - edited

[quote=SirKibbleX2]you shouldn't make threats about those who how martial arts.

inb4 thread edit.[/quote]
why not

Reply May 29, 2015 - edited