
Cant access Root Abyss through diensional mirror

When I try to access Root Abyss through the dimensional mirror it teleports me there..
However, the keymaker is missing, there are no portals to enter the bosses, and I can't talk to dorothy.
I did the prequests the very day root abyss was released and have only had this problem for a month or so.
I can only do the bosses if someone teleports me there using the boss queue, I checked my lightbulb quests and there is not a single root abyss quest there.

Does anyone else have this problem or know any fixes? This is extremely annoying

July 30, 2016

3 Comments • Newest first


@xtagg: try going to RA through the portal in the drakes map
if nothing change go to neinheart in ereve and check

Reply July 30, 2016

Thanks but I see none in the lightbulb, only theme dungeons and tutorial stuff

Reply July 30, 2016

There are some few quests with neinheart before you can talk to dorothy
check ur lightbulbs

Reply July 30, 2016 - edited