

Moderators, why was my thread deleted? [answered]

I was just trying to aware mouth breathers that they're harming themselves and interrupting facial development since its not talked about, wtf?

inb4 "if you have an issue with the moderators bring it to mr. b" or whatever. NO THANKS, THE PUBLIC NEEDS TO SEE THE ILLUMINATI'S CONTROL OF INFORMATION FIRST HAND.
not srs but srsly it's way uncool for you to decide what info can be shared on here. I made one post which gave semi-medical advice, which could have been deleted instead of the OP. Good job

November 27, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


Quite often a thread will go completely off-topic, or erupt into a flame-war and end up being deleted.
Since the thread is gone when this happens, the OP may not see it happen, or see the content that resulted in the deletion.
There's no record of a suspension on your account, so the thread wasn't removed in conjunction with a suspension, meaning it wasn't your post that was the cause.
I didn't see this thread, so I can't say for certain what happened, but that's my best guess.

Reply November 27, 2013

Maybe you were posting it in a passive-agressive fashion or a hateful-sarcastic way.

Reply November 27, 2013