


Cubing question Att% or Boss% Question is quite simple, what would be more efficient against bosses Att% or Boss%. Weapon: Legendary Potential- 13% Att 10% Att 10 % Magic Att with 20% boss neb Emblem: Legendary potential - 9% Att 30% pdr 6% Luk Secondary weapon: Legendary potential- 30% boss 12% Att 30% Pdr with 20% boss neb So it rounds up to 191% total boss dmg + 30% total damage skill and 44% Att So the problem is eventually I will start bonus cubing, so I will be aiming for Att%, and I'm wondering if because of that I should recube my weapon for 2 lines of boss. I barely used any cubes on these once they were legendary, only used 3 cubes on my weapon, 3 on emblem and 4 on secondary weapon so it's not like I already used a lot of money t

General Demonavenger

Sw set alternative end game equip for Da? Hey so in the past weeks I've been looking around the FM for some SW gear and finally got all the items. And I'm just wondering if transposed SW set is a good alternative end game equip for DA because tyrants are basically useless until the 6th star. I will use some lionheart equips that I will scroll with 30% + clean slates (15% for weapon) which I will then transpose Thank you in advance! Also I'm new to basil so hello everyone :D