
Bowman or Gun slinger?

So if you ever tried recruiting people for Crimson wood keep pq, you'd realise how much it sucks because some classes do not classify as a certain class. For example Demon avengers do not count as warriors and phantoms count as nothing as well. Bowman and gun slingers are probably the rarest people to find, which one is stronger and what the pros and cons of them?

Will close this thread once I get enough replies.

February 16, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


oh hello!
Looking for me too?

Reply February 16, 2014

Oh hello!
Looking for me?

Reply February 16, 2014

Bowmen and Gunslingers are easy to fund. Really easy. Their RA and Empress armors are really cheap.
Gunslingers do a lot of damage early on, but without funding they just kind of fall off.
Bowmen do damage that increases as you level their skills, so you'll have to wait longer and longer to do more damage.
IMO Gunslingers are stronger because I like octopi.
All of this information is completely useless if you have funding.

Reply February 16, 2014