

Average range of bishop

What exactly is the average range of a bishop between lvl 140~150? Since we're not an attacking class really, I just wanted to know. And I'm not including funding into the equation so yeah.. just plain effort, what would it be about?

August 19, 2011

4 Comments • Newest first


No worries fellow bishops. My range goes up to like 7.5k unbuffed. But I do enough damage and am efficient enough to level so I care not.

Reply August 22, 2011

Such a nice staff mines 160 with +12matk

Reply August 20, 2011

my range is now getting close to (insert number here)~16k now

i think at lvl 150 i had 11k range buffed

Reply August 20, 2011

^Thats way above average. I'm decently funded, and I have around 9k~11k Completely Buffed. Probably an average range would be, without funding, Maybe 8k-9.5k Probably?

Reply August 20, 2011