

Fastest training thief class Hoh, Wg

Out of Shads, DBs and NLs, which class gains the most exp at HOH (or WG)? I mainly train and don't do much bossing so I'd like to play something that levels the fastest out of the thief classes.

April 9, 2014

11 Comments • Newest first


If you can 1 hit with whichever class though being able to requires insane funding I'd say nls then db then shad nls yea.... dis can hit top platform from bottom plat by using blade ascension and I don't think shade can hot top from bottom without their hyper but their hyper is really nice for training xD

Reply April 14, 2014

NL now that they fixed showdown to still add the exp boost when you 1hit mobs

Reply April 10, 2014

nightlord for sure 40% exp boost

Reply April 10, 2014

fastest way for me is to climb up ladder, jump off while using bf back to first platform, then bloody storm across the lower platform to the ladder on the opposite side. only bf after on the bottom platform when necessary.

Reply April 10, 2014

[quote=SpiritBag]Night Lords are easily the fastest.

Shads and DBs are probably pretty close. I'd say DBs would win if they both could 1hko the mobs and shads would win if they could 1hko and the DB couldn't.[/quote]

You putting Shadowers and Dual Blades in the same category just sickens me.

Reply April 10, 2014

showdown. flying stars.

Reply April 9, 2014

Night Lords are easily the fastest.

Shads and DBs are probably pretty close. I'd say DBs would win if they both could 1hko the mobs and shads would win if they could 1hko and the DB couldn't.

Reply April 9, 2014

NL is the best cause of its fast attacks, map attack and bonus exp.

Reply April 9, 2014

Without a doubt, Night lord wins. Showdown and shade splitter, coupled with their hyper skill, which is on low cooldown, can hit both rows, attack quickly, and traverse the map the quickest.
Shadowers and DB's have a difficult time hitting two rows consistently as well as the fact that shadowers are slow hitting and dual blades lack much in range to actually clear mobs.

This all assumes that the jobs use their respective mobbing attacks, which hit at least 30m and 1 hit kill.

Reply April 9, 2014 - edited

I'd say shads are best due to high damage and good mobbing skills. They also have very good surviveability.

NLs 2nd because they have pretty bad surviveability but they do have some nice mobbing skills tho

DBs last, they have pretty bad surviveability just like NLs and their mobbing skills are pretty bad / hard to handle as you have to move alot, and when fighting SH mobs with higher HP that can be really anoying unless you 1HKO the mobs.

Reply April 9, 2014 - edited

I would say shad. Why?
Because it is the easiest to hit high numbers with little funds. (especially if you won't be bossing) Plus we have nice modding for training.

Second would be NL. They aren't bad at mobbing, but tend to be a bit squishy. (and repetitive IMO) But NLs mob skill gives EXP bonus..

DBs are fun, but like everyone else will tell you, you are going to need some serious funds to do nice damage. (Higher damage = faster training)

Good luck choosing.

Reply April 9, 2014 - edited