


MSEA, EMS, and KMS players, a question for you. Today, I was training on my BaM, and I finally got bored. I decided to walk around LHC, trying to see how each classes have changed from a few years ago. Of course, there was a lot of changes, but I noticed something else. Every few channels I see some flying Battle Mage or Wild Hackers "feeding" a party, and every thirty seconds a guy named MySales or GeyMule would item-smega their 608 Att Stonetooth or 301 Craven. This opened my eyes and put a few tears in it too. ); Yes, this is another nostalgic thread. But, I'm also curious, does things like this happen in KMS, EMS, or Sea? Are hackers as wild in your servers? I'm sorry if the question seems unnecessary or plain obvious, but I &


MSEA, EMS, and KMS players, a question for you. Today, I was training on my BaM, and I finally got bored. I decided to walk around LHC, trying to see how each classes have changed from a few years ago. Of course, there was a lot of changes, but I noticed something else. Every few channels I see some flying Battle Mage or Wild Hackers "feeding" a party, and every thirty seconds a guy named MySales or GeyMule would item-smega their 608 Att Stonetooth or 301 Craven. This opened my eyes and put a few tears in it too. ); Yes, this is another nostalgic thread. But, I'm also curious, does things like this happen in KMS, EMS, or Sea? Are hackers as wild in your servers? I'm sorry if the question seems unnecessary or plain obvious, but I &