


Enlighten me with knowledge Waddup~ Long story short it's been a half a year (since march or so) and since my life has no meaning to it, might as well make something of it by playing this game again(ha). I left when they had their anniversary or some sht, idk. Anyways, can someone put me up to dates? What's new, what's gone, what's the same, and is nexon still the same money hungry hors they were 6 months ago (I assume yes). Not to mention, they're giving away nx perms, so I assume they wanna look nice. That's another reason I'm coming back, I get nx perms ^_^ and I never spent a dime on this game, yay for poverty!


How is scrolling done? Hey Basilers! So, I haven't scrolled ever since I thought weap defense scrolls were the best and I thought that if one of my 10% Weap Def Overall Scrolls worked, I'd be so cool. And that's all because I was a wimp and didn't want to ruin my equips. After 1000 long years though, I figure, it's time to maybe start making some end game equips. So, how do people scroll these days? I don't see anymore 10% Spears for Att or whatever. The only scrolls I see are chaos and the occasional 50% two handed or 50% one handed. Does that mean everyone just tries their luck with chaos scrolls nowadays? And what would be a good way to scroll/attempt to scroll a perfect Lionheart Partisan? Thanks for any help guys! ~<3


Lionheart Partisan D Hey Basilers! So I've been having my eye out on this Lionheart Partisan (which was 250m at first) and it's stats are 35 Str 19 Dex 124 Att and 33 Accuracy. Over time, I guess the seller got tired of trying to sell it so he changed the price to 150m. Once it hit 150m I bought that so fast. Do you guys think it was worth it? Btw this isn't to brag or anything yadayada, just curious if it's worth it. My server is Khaini btw so um yeah. And also, if the resale value is better, should I keep it (I'm a DrK) or sell it and try my luck on finding another cheap one? Thanks for any help then~ ~<3 edit: 99 accuracy*


Anyone Empress Runs? Hey basilers! So, don't think of this as a dilemma, just a need-of-help cry, but is there anyone out in the maple world who would be willing to invite me to their empress run? Lol I sound so begg-y, but anyways, I can't afford empress equips and I'm not in "need" but I'm lvl 166 hit 50k's lmao :3 So, yeah, if anyone could invite me, that would be nice ^_^ 4 more levels of course and if someone does invite me to a run, I won't be of any help whatsoever, except hb, ironwill, lvl 10 mw, and pushing stuff with rush. Yes, this means I would like to loot the warrior equipment and possibly a Lionheart Partisan. I sound so needy... okie then well thanks for anyone who'll help if you do or not, kbai ~<3


Lionheart Battle Cape? Hey Basilers! So, I found a recipe for a Lionheart battle cape. I'm pretty sure though that Lionheart battle capes are expensive right? and so if I were to make it, it would be tons of money right? :P Anyways, I found a recipe for only 30m, is it worth it? I looked up the mats and it's 200 Dream Frags (practically free at tempest shop), and the only other item that looked hard was the Super Item Crystal, but I'm sure I could find that somewhere, I think. Anyways, would it be smart of me to buy it? I have an account lvl 10 smithing which I'm not sure if that's high enough x.x but anyways yeah, opinions? Thanks for all and any help ^_^ ~<3


Maple Community Why Hey basilers! So this is going to be a semi-rant or a rant (why did I say semi). If you don't wanna hear me whine, you can leave. Anyways, long story short, I got ksed by a freaking rich ab. Yes I say rich because I was level 110, she was lvl 90, she hit 10x my damage. I asked nicely a few times for her to leave... no response. I ks her... oh wait, impossible. I keep asking her and yet she still doesn't move. After that I just left. Oh yea, did I mention, it was minutes before 2x and I was there for 2hours waiting for 2x? >.> Maple, why do you do this. And no not maple, maple community. Just because you hit straight 9's and 1hko everything as a lvl 5, doesn't mean you're king of the world or king of maple, it means


Training Spots Post Angelic Buster? Hey Basilers! With all the commotion of new classes, every "good" place is crowded (Jesters, Aliens, Cds, etc) and yes there are other places that i could train, but i don't know where ._. 1-100 is easy but when I get to the 100's, training gets slow at aliens. Recommended places to train besides aliens or should i just hustle through it and sit an hour for 10% (exaggerated)? Anyways any help would be nice ^_^ Lol and don't say something like captains and krus because they give less D: I know this sounds kinda needy, but eh, basil is basil. Anyways, thanks again~ ~<3

General Phantom

Level 100 Equips Hey Basilers! So I just hit 100 on my phantom (yay whew~) and I need some equips because i'm using beginning equips and ima get butt rand burn pots. And you might be thinking, "What's wrong with using pots." Lol well I'm poor and I don't wanna use em <_>. So, anyways long story short, I need some level 100 equips for thieves. I would like a Dark Katinas and I had one, but threw it away awhile back x.x. don't ask why. If anyone is in khaini and has level 100 thief equips, tell me or whateves. Oh, but I don't need anything pro, just something to last me 20 levels ^_^ TYTY P.S: Also if you don't have, does anyone know where to hunt to get 100 equips? I'm not sure if basil or any other maplestory site is up to d

General Mercedes

Mastery Books for Mercedes So today, I bought 2 books, Ancient Warding 30 and Spikes Royal 20 for 36 mill. Was this a good deal because he said that apparently altogether it's worth 350mill or something like that. Was he right? or was I scammed the crap out of and is it time for me to cry in a corner? Tell me please and even if it's bad, oh well, you live you learn, haven't played for a while now and just got back and wanted to continue on my merc. And while we are on the subject, what's the price on Advanced Final Attack 30? Just wondering Thanks Youuu for any help and any feedback.

General Phantom

Renegade Shop Canes? Hey Forums! So long story short, where'd there renegade shop canes go? I was saving up to try and by em and the mastery books, but when I come back, they aren't in the shop anymore. I'm really disappointed because I'm currently lvl 90 with a lvl 35 cane and was hoping to buy the canes for a while now and when I come back after a little vacation, they're gone. Is this temporarily or will they just not come back ever? Help pleaseee~ Thanks for any help or any feedback.

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