


Pet Problems Hi, I just came back to Maplestory after "254 days", and a lot of things are different. I had a few questions: I am a paladin, I have Advanced Charge in my IV skill tab, but I have no regular Charge... I only have Blast and Rush. Also, I had permanent pet equiptment (the binoculars, wing boots, item pouch, etc) now I only have his acc equipment. He has the option to turn item pouch on but he only picks it up if i walk him over the item. Where did my items go?

General Quests

Plz I need help with Bing Suits Ok, so I finally got around to making my Bing Suit into whatever the warrior version is. So all are +2, but it says that it expires did I waste all my time? I hear somewhere that you can make it permanent, if this is true can you explain to me how to do it in detail. Also, I heard that there is a 10atk visitor medal. Is this a myth or for real? If it is real, then can someone tell me how to get it. Thanks for any help, I really appriciate it.