

General Updates

Glitched with Act Ii? Alright, so I reached the point in Act II where I fight Elenore (or whatever her name is after you meet up with Athena), and I get her down to about 25% health. After, none of my keys work. What do I mean by this? Literally, none of my skills work, whenever I type, nothing pops out, I can't use my pot (yes, there's still potions there and my pet is still alive with the skill), and I can't even press the button for "Return to a Closest Town" when I die! It's not lag either, cause this happens EVERYTIME I try to do CHT (same glitch happens here too). The only thing that I can do is relog, but the same problem occurs, and I can't seem to find a solution to it. Help?


Got Hacked, Need Help So, during Christmas, I got keylogged. How do I know? Before I knew this, I did my usual thing: went on the website, logged in with the same account information. However, it said the password was wrong, and I kept retyping it and retyping it, but still no luck. I can't even send a ticket to Nexon because I can't log into my account. I even tried sending a verification e-mail for a password reset. I checked the e-mail I used to register the account, but I never got one. So it's possible that my e-mail was changed too, but it doesn't make sense because I had to use the e-mail that [b]was used to register the account.[/b] So Basil, is there a way to contact Nexon? Like a number or a way to send a ticket without having me


Riddle Time from Vince IX Hey guys! I've been seeing some riddle threads being posted, so why not post mine? So here's the 9th issue of Riddle Time from Vince! We're all here for fun, so no prizes. [header]Rules[/header] - Please be SPECIFIC with your answer, non-specific answers will NOT count. - All of the riddles are from GMS only. (Some from Basilmarket as well!) - Do NOT post an answer that has a list of monsters/items/etc. [header]Riddle 1[/header] I control them all, You cannot predict what I will do, The only thing that stops me is that.. Nuisance of a power, Defeat me and you find no reward, Who am I? Answer: Empress Cygnus by Fynel [header]Riddle 2[/header] I used to be popular, but since those two updates, people barely go to me,

General Fun

Riddle Time from Vince VIII Hey guys! Vince here with the 8th issue of Riddle Time from Vince! We're all here for fun, so no prizes. [header]Rules[/header] - Please be SPECIFIC with your answer, non-specific answers will NOT count. - All of the riddles are from GMS only. (Some from Basilmarket as well!) - Do NOT post an answer that has a list of monsters/items/etc. [header]Riddle 1[/header] You can find me in every town. Wherever there's a special person, I'll be there. I hold a lot of treasure Give me enough of what I need, and I'll give you something special. Who am I? Answered: Donation Box by BanditChaos [header]Riddle 2[/header] My brother and I guard this place. I have a crescent and he has normal one. Before, we were one of the stron


Riddle Time from Vince VII Hey guys! Vince here with the 7th riddle thread! Please remember that these riddles are just for fun and there's no prize. [header]Rules[/header] - Please be SPECIFIC with your answer, non-specific answers will NOT count. - All of the riddles are from GMS only. (Some from Basilmarket as well!) - Do NOT post an answer that has a list of monsters/items/etc. [header]Riddle 1[/header] I am two colors One big, one small I live in this place that is so vast, along with my relatives and other creatures, Mess with me and you'll be dealing with a chill What am I? Answered: Freezer by darksven1 [header]Riddle 2[/header] I am the strongest of my kind, My technology surpasses my brothers' I can only be found in a special loca

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