


Hybrid mage/archer idea Hey guys,I would like to share my idea of what a 'hybrid mage/archer would be. I give credit to TheTot for giving me an idea P.S,I don't currently have an Idea for the class name,so feel free to post some ideas/criticize the idea. So yeah,there would be a new weapon type called 'Magic bows', and would both have weapon attack and magic attack. They would also get a secondary weapon, which I would like to call 'Arcane arrows'. You will not only use Arcane arrows as your secondary weapon,but you will also use them in your attacks. I will get further into detail later. The stats they would use are int/dex, prioritizing Int. The preferred distribution is 3 int/2 dex per level. Their normal CTRL attacks would be their main

General Luminous

Dear Luminous Players This message goes out to the complainers out there. Can you please stop making 901921029102190 threads a day about how you hate what GMS did to luminous? You guys can NEVER appreciate what nexon does,they slightly change it then you go ZOMG I HATE GMS WAI THEY DO DIS and yadadada. Then nexon actually deleted the duped items then you guys go OMG NEXON IS SO DUMB I SPENT 199992323$ ON THOSE! Back to my point,please,just please,stop complaining.(This goes out to the people who complain about luminous,not the people who actually enjoy the class)

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