General Fun

question for basils scholars Clarence has to take 2 different kind of pills (Pill A, Pill B). Both pills look exactly the same (same weight, color, shape, size, etc....) If he takes more than 1 pill of the same kind per day, he will die. Furthermore, if he doesn't take 1 Pill A, and 1 Pill B every day, he will also die. Clarence is on a limited budget, and since the pills are extremely expensive, he can't throw any of them away. One day, Clarence goofed and spilled all of his pills on the table. Since all of the pills look identical, he's not sure which pill is which. [b]Question: How can he manage to take the pills without any further dire consequences (how can he continue his medication without dying?)[/b]

General Site

Basilers and Basilmarket. So there are 2 different things I want to rage about. First, there are basilers. Second, there is basilmarket. I hate it when hypocrites give you negative feedback when they don't make any effort to contact you, nor reply to your efforts of communicating. There have been THREE people now that have done this to me. And it really angers me because they stay in their stores all day. Then I drop by and leave a message and say I'm from basilmarket, etc. And then they claim that I'm never online. Come on man, I left a message in your shop. Because I'm obviously the one at fault here because I pm'ed you, asking for a meeting time. But of course, you ignore this. I'm just saying, I'm tired of people like this. Secondly, th