

Why do people hate on smokers

Why do people hate on smokers, often saying: "They think they are cool, but they aren't"
Just do your thing and let them do theirs,

February 20, 2012

53 Comments • Newest first


@DatingAdvice: Well, in saying what you just did... It's still largely "To be cool". Everything you said points to that logic at least. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just saying I somewhat agree with the statement that it's to be cool, or because some aspect of it is "Cool". Nobody would smoke without those reasons (at least in some shape or form) at heart, cuz if they did, it'd be just be in effort of making themselves unhealthy.

Reply February 20, 2012

[quote=maceace]ever kiss somone that smokes?
thats why..

smoking in bars is not allowed here where i live, but anytime i go to jacksonville every bar has a big plume cloud of cigarette smoke, it's annoying, it stinks, and it burns my eyes.[/quote]
Oh my god jacksonville florida?
And OT: Yeah smokers are baaaad !

Reply February 20, 2012

I don't hate the smokers, I dislike the smoke. Mainly, because you can get cancer from it, kill yourself/your lungs, and finally, one smoke takes away 12 minutes of your life time. Now that's a waste of time.

Reply February 20, 2012

I'm not really bothered by smokers. I even dated a smoker a year ago, and I didn't really mind it. It was a bit annoying when he needed to smoke outside during inconvenient times, though.

However, I wouldn't ever try smoking... it just doesn't appeal to me.

Reply February 20, 2012

Because people don't know how to keep their noses out of others lifes.

Reply February 20, 2012

You can't hate smokers they're all differnt types of people.
That's just like hating on black people.

Reply February 20, 2012

2nd hand smoking

Reply February 20, 2012

Because the smoke makes it hard to breathe, the scent of tobacco gets into your clothes and your breath, your teeth start to yellow... It's just unpleasant to be around people who have a smoking habit... Especially if they're the sort who... like... spits on the ground frequently... *shudders* My two uncles used to smoke quite a lot. One died and the other quit because of breathing problems which were linked to his smoking...

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I smoke, and I do care about other people not liking the smell or the smoke of a cigarette so I smoke outside alone or with friends where people rarely pass by or on my porch.

@datingadvice You are right. One of the main reasons I smoke with friends is because for some reason we get a more deeper conversation and get a more intimate friendship. Same reason people drink with others. To socialize easier.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

1. It's a horrible habit that gives off one of the most disgusting smells in the world
2. People that smoke need a drug [nicotine] to calm down their lives. If you have taken an advanced psychology course or know anything about the way nicotine works, you'll probably pity smokers
3. Smokers rarely care about others. They smoke in VERY public places and often make others second hand smoke
4. Smoking can cause so much harm that to do it to such an extent could be considered unreasonable.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

It's just gross and stinky.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

Because people feel the need to force their own values onto other people, regardless of what topic it may be.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

Why do you think people hate on smokers?

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

@hallrock: If it's for the social aspect, that's basically the same as saying 'it's cool to smoke'. If it's for the stress relieving there are many, MUCH more healthy alternatives. Same thing for staying awake. At the end of the day, the one reason people shy away from the healthier alternative, is because of the 'cool factor' of cigs.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

People shouldn't hate a smoker just because he smokes ( there is a reason for everything) as for me I started it because @ 1st it's a social thing to do the you get hooked on to it. As for people saying " it pollutes the air" ( cars fridge etc etc are causing much worse pollution than smokes why don't you try to stop people from driving cars,using fridge etc etc. just put it as how you would feel if someone started hating you for playing maplestory " you are wasting electricity"

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

Second hand smoke, if your going to smoke go do it in some concealed room where i don't have to see you or smell your smoke.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I hate the smoke and smokers that doesn't take consideration of people around them.
Like how they smoke on a freaking elevator and/or while your eating.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I don't give a crap whether you smoke or not. I do care if you smoke around me however.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

it's an offense to my lungs.. it also looks very stupid and many people start out of peer pressure or simply to be cool.
Well, I never knew being dependent of something is cool. Addiction is being dependent. So that's fail logic there.
=> Smokers = dumb

Smokers are often horribly ignorant, they just blow the smoke in your face whether you like it or not.
My mom smokes and I'm currently sick, having issues with my lungs. Just spending an hour in the living room (where she spends most of the day) makes me cough terribly often within the first few mins and my nose burns as if I sniffed pure acid.

I'm just glad that in my country smokers aren't allowed to smoke in restaurants and all anymore.
And what is the purpose of smoking in the first place?

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

The smoke , i hate. Not literally the person.

You know that smoke doesnt only damage the smoker but...

1) global warming
2) waste of resources
3) people also breath in smoke and aduh it's bad for health
4) smells bad

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I hate when people smoke near me -.- especially in an illegal place such as a bus stop. Go ahead and smoke your life away 1 cig at a time, but don't bring me with you >.< how about thinking of others around you...

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I don't hate people who smoke. But the smell and everything has always bugged me.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

It's the secondhand smoking that really irritates me I mean, sure, they can go ahead and smoke all the cigarettes they want, but they could at least have the decency to smoke AWAY from people who have breathing issues, like asthma, and around little kids and non-smokers in general
It makes me mad when I see parents who smoke around their children all the time. Their kids shouldn't have to be brought down with them and have to suffer possible lung complications in the future because of the carelessness of their parents.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I don't care if people smoke, you're kinda generalizing a LOT of people here.

But I feel that the idea of smoking is very... one-track. When you first start, there's almost no reason other than "To look cool". Then later, it becomes to calm you down, ONLY because you've become dependent on cigs.

To answer your question, I think nobody TRULY cares unless it has to do with their life. In which, they have the right to.[/quote]

There are actually quite a few reasons people choose to start smoking/smoke occasionally. One of course would be the social aspect. Many college students start because it relieves stress and it helps you stay awake.

OT: I don't mind it when people smoke occasionally. I personally like the smell (of some cigarettes).

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

[quote=SoyMlkIsGood]Because it is a disgusting habit.
It also has more cons than pros.[/quote]

i've been smoking for 20 years and my lungs feel great

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

whats so bad about smoking i see cow boys smoking cigs on those magazines and thats pretty cewwwwwwlllll which makes me waanna smookee too

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

It's more like, it smells terrible. Do it far, far away from me, and we're cool ><

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I've been conditioned since I was a little kid that smoking is a bad habit, which is also super damaging to your health, so hating smokers is almost like a reflex.
Other than that though... The fact that a lot of smokers I've encountered don't take into consideration that they're standing at a location (like a bus stop) with lots of people around. They don't move away before they smoke but force the people standing around them to move away just to breathe in clean air.
I think it's because a lot of smokers seem like stuck up, pompous and inconsiderate jerks.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I don't hate the people that smoke, I just hate the smoke itself.
But some smokers are so inconsiderate and rude. I've had smoke blown into my face as well as my friends deliberately and I have absolutely zero tolerance to the smoke. They smoke in bus shelters when their not suppose to, which makes me really mad when it's in the middle of winter when it's -30C outside . They smell like poop when they sit beside you on the bus. They spit anywhere and everywhere.

I've been taught the health risks of smoking while growing up so I've just learned to hate smoking in general. I still can't clearly understand why people start smoking in the first place when they clearly know the risks that are bound to it. Smokers are literally buying their death beds 30 years earlier then they should be .

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited
cuz theyre super annoying

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

@Cory5896: people believe they're above it so they end up trying because of peer pressure/friends (what a bad friend i know) then end up getting hooked.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

[quote=sohee]are you serious? it's an addiction you can't just quit it[/quote]

Why did they start in the first place then? Pretty much everyone now a days is taught that its bad for you.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

[quote=Cory5896]I can't understand the mind of a person who smokes, because they're doing something that is proved to be very bad for your health. Yet they continue to do it.[/quote]

are you serious? it's an addiction you can't just quit it

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I can't understand the mind of a person who smokes, because they're doing something that is proved to be very bad for your health. Yet they continue to do it.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

although it's bad for you i actually find it kind of attractive

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

[quote=caben45]It smells like burnt ass, and I don't like burnt ass being blown into my face and eyes.[/quote]

looool burnt ass
i laughed hard at this

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

It's bad for you, and everybody around you; that's all there is to it.

The tax on tobacco should be 1,500%, just so I can laugh at all the addicts who'd actually continue to buy cigarettes.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

Smoke all you want but not next to me. I dont really care about your health, earth has a limited food.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I think it's kinda disgusting... Chronic smoking, that is.

I think in a social setting, it's cool enough. Also, at my school, a lot of the crowd who smokes are greasy. There's a lot of "cool" kids who do it too, but that's not what makes them cool. A lot of them are just idiots.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I don't care if people smoke, you're kinda generalizing a LOT of people here.

But I feel that the idea of smoking is very... one-track. When you first start, there's almost no reason other than "To look cool". Then later, it becomes to calm you down, ONLY because you've become dependent on cigs.

To answer your question, I think nobody TRULY cares unless it has to do with their life. In which, they have the right to.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

They smell awful. Prolonged breathing of those fumes gives me a headache.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

cuz they smell bad
cuz when u kiss them.... ugh.
cuz they pollute the air
cuz they pollute MY air
cuz they make people with breathing problem worst
cuz they like to blow smoke in other people's faces
cuz they smoke at the entrance of building, which make the interior smell like crap
cuz they are addicts (cigarettes have nicotine)
cuz they waste money on things that kill them faster (lung cancer)
cuz they are chronic lairs when they said they will quit

need i go on?

and what is so cool/fun about standing outside smoking and eyeing strangers.... creepy more like it.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

If it doesn't affect people, they mostly don't care.
But since there's such a thing as secondhand smoke, people tend not to like smokers.

You know, cancer and all that.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

Because I be hatin'. I be sippin on that PREMIUM haterade. that GRAY GOOSE if you catch my drift.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

Because most of them are inconsiderate.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I don't hate them but they stink. Ya.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

It's more like no one cares.

Yes, it was cool 30 years ago. Now it's disgusting and unhealthy.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

>>See smoker


Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

I really hate smoking, it makes me hard to be able to breathe. I went to Indonesia one summer and everyone smoked, the air quality was so bad I mostly stayed inside.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited

Smoking has negative externalities on people who choose not to smoke. Therefore, people have reason to hate on smokers.

Reply February 20, 2012 - edited
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