
So was the marvel machine worth it? contemplating to do a marvel run, need help deciding if its worth the nx or not :3 thanks guys EDIT: :3 well against popular demand and advice I did it guys... 11 coin run with a few doubles....... things that i got 5 surprise boxes boss damage a neb tyrant hermes boots 17 gaches 2 3x exp for 2 hours 3 2x drop for 4 hours 3 slot extensions princessoid coupon Fantastical andriod coupon 3 incredible chaos scroll of goodness 6 evo one hand matt 2 Occult Scroll for Armor for ATT 90% 2 bonus cubes lucky day scroll guardian scroll sheild scroll 2 evo ring 3 lvl 10 special pot scroll Amaterasu's Gloves Fusion Anvil perfect bonus stamp 2 safety gems Did i make my money back? feels sorta like i got a bit more then

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