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Missed my chance Hey, a couple weeks ago I asked for help with my best friend in this thread: Anyways, I was going to let her know how I feel but then on Facebook, not less than an hour ago, I saw that her relationship status went from single to in a relationship. It hit me right there. I lost my chance. I'll never be with her. I never thought this would happen. I thought I would have all the time in the world. I am feeling like complete and utter crap. I regret so much right now. I'm not saying that I would've gotten her just by telling her how I feel. I'm saying that I wouldn't have been stuck wondering "what if?" Now that I think about it, it's better that she doesn't know because that would change our friendship. Just wanted t

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Best friend romance I really don't know where to start on this so, I have this best friend, named Delilah, and I have feelings for her and she possibly has feelings for me, but she doesn't know I have them for her nor does she know that I know she has them for me. At least I hope she doesn't know I have feelings for her and she's just playing coy with me. I'm only assuming based on the signs when me and her are around each other. Now, the problem is, I don't want to have feelings for her. Not that I don't want to cause I don't want to, but because I don't want it to ruin our friendship. This is one of those, I fell for my best friend, things like in the movies, except this is real life where things don't always end up well. She helped me th

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More girl problems This is my love story in response to: I'm not really asking for advice since I know what to do. This was just too long to post in the thread. INCOMING: WALL OF TEXT! Summary at the bottom, but very vague. August comes up, and I'm starting College! YAY! First day on campus, there were [b]SO[/b] many hot girls. Just everywhere I looked there were groups of them. I'm assuming they migrate in packs. So in my first class, we were doing that 'introduce yourself' game where you had to say your name and your interests. I couldn't believe we still had to do that in college, but I didn't mind it. I was in the last row so it took forever to get to me. It was finally my turn, and I said my name is Dex and I love Taylor Swift. It was

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Fable 3 Comes Out Tonight I'm so excited. I've always been a fan of the Fable games. I loved Fable 1 the most but Fable 2 was still also pretty good. Anyways I'm picking up Fable 3 tonight at midnight and I can't wait. I pre-ordered the limited edition and I'm going to pull an all nighter playing it. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be knocked out in class tomorrow but my professors don't really care because after all, I am paying for the classes. Who else is planning on getting Fable 3?

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When does a girl become a GF So recently in the past few weeks, me and this girl went on a date. We had a great time. So then we started to hold hands the next few days. Then about a week after that we starting kissing and ever since, we've been like a couple. Mostly everywhere we go, she comes up to me and holds my hand or I come and put my arm around her. We've kissed and held hands in front of our friends. They always ask me, when I'm alone, if we're BF/GF and I don't know how to answer that. I always say that I'm not sure. I mean I want her to be my GF but I don't know how I should approach it. I don't know if I should just ask her what we are because I don't really want to rock the boat right now while things are going good, but at the

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Wow can't believe this happened! Okay this is another one of those stories but kind of with a twist. So there's this girl I met in college. She's 22 and I'm 19. She's a hot girl that plays video games. SHE'S LIKE DAM ATTRACTIVE! I was surprised at first to find out that she plays video games. We were talking about CoD, Halo, and Street fighter and she even challenged me. So this was a couple weeks ago. I began to like her over these past weeks, but she told me that she only saw me as a friend. At this point, all of my intentions were crushed so I just decided to just be her friend. Yesterday I was just hanging out with her and she asked me, "Want to go to a dinner and movie with me tomorrow?" I was still in denial and assumed it w