

General Thief

Did i Screw up ? I turned 130,And i Equiped all my Empress gear ( all exept wepon) ( i am a ua. so + 10 lvls) And before i had 3% luck on evrything i replaces but my range stil went up by alot with CLEAN empress gear 0 pot now Am i screwed cuz 1. cant trade the empress 2. cant buy % luck since i buyed empress or 3. get 90% scrol pot , pot it and hope for a % luck or 4. Just stay as it is and upgrade little by little HELP ME IDK WHAT TO DO Edit: I poted my ovrall and now its 6% luck :P lol haha

General Thief

Did i Screw up ? I turned 130,And i Equiped all my Empress gear ( all exept wepon) ( i am a ua. so + 10 lvls) And before i had 3% luck on evrything i replaces but my range stil went up by alot with CLEAN empress gear 0 pot now Am i screwed cuz 1. cant trade the empress 2. cant buy % luck since i buyed empress or 3. get 90% scrol pot , pot it and hope for a % luck or 4. Just stay as it is and upgrade little by little HELP ME IDK WHAT TO DO Edit: I poted my ovrall and now its 6% luck :P lol haha

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