

how long until i start seeing results?

i'm a 16 year old male, and i feel like i'm hella fat. a lot of people think i'm "average" or "okay", but quite honestly i weight in the high 160's and i'm 5'8/9. it's inexcusable, and although i've improved my height to weight ratio (i used to be 195 in grade 6 when i was 5'1), i feel like crud when i see guys with abs and huge arms.
in order to take initiative and try to pursue my goal of becoming fit, i took early morning gym as a class in my school. we run a circuit 2 days a week (we used to run 5-7k but it's snowing outside) and we go weight room for two days, and lastly we play volleyball on fridays. i wouldn't go as far and say that i've improved my weight resistance by much, but i have learned proper technique and i guess that's helpful. i had improved my running quite a bit from the beginning of the semester, but the winter break just ended last week and i've really slacked off.
anyway, i've been taking this course since september and yet i see no difference in my body/figure. i don't look any more muscular, i don't lift much more, nothing. the only thing that may have improved is my running. i seldom eat junk food i.e. chips, burgers, etc, and i try to keep my calorie count under 2200, but i'm still failing pretty miserably.
does anybody have any input to give?

i took early morning gym to make up for the fact that i never go to the gym outside of school. whenever i start some form of activity (i.e. p90x, working out at ymca), i quit within the first week because of the lack of results i see which highly demotivate me. do you guys have any tips to keep on working out without stopping? i've never commit to something and done it without stopping.

January 7, 2011

19 Comments • Newest first


@TheOnlyHope: NO

[b]AT ALL[/b].

And yes pizza is [i]that[/i] bad.

Reply January 9, 2011

[quote=Impacity]@TheOnlyHope: Pizza = junk food. Junk food = big nono.[/quote]

it's not that bad, is it? definitely better than mcdonalds or anything in that league?
OH, i also eat at tim hortons quite frequently.


aha you're joking right? my ex girlfriend was like 100 pounds (granted she was 5'2) but she wasn't skinny at all.


good to hear :].

Reply January 9, 2011

[quote=MSfanatiq]You're not fat o_O. But I understand where you're coming from, I used to be the same as you but I lost weight. But let me give you some advice, don't get hooked on loosing weight, once you do, it'll be all you think about. Just take it easy, do some exercise from time to time, 15-30 minutes of vigorous exercise is enough per day.[/quote]

everyone tells me i'm not fat, but with my shirt off i bet they'd think it's a different story. maybe my weight machine is wrong and i weigh in the low 170s, or maybe i measured my height wrong and i'm 5'7. but thanks for your input . i did p90x for a week and it didn't do anything, and it's pretty vigorous :$.


when i lose some weight, i'm planning on joining the swimming team because it's amazing exercise and it works on the entire body. the only reason i'm reluctant on doing it now is because my body fat taunts me.


*highschool, grade 11. but yeah, (most of the time) high school teams aren't only accepting world class superstars. sometimes us mediocre atheles are welcomed too.


canada, eh.


lucky i got a lot of buddys.

Reply January 9, 2011

You'd be pretty skinny for a girl. Go get a sex change.

Reply January 9, 2011

[quote=GourmetPrince]You can't expect results within a week.

Honestly, with that attitude you aren't ready to commit to ANYTHING!
There's a reason you aren't a man with great abs and arms. These men are capable of making a commitment and working towards a goal. No matter if you may appreciate it or not, that's what they have done in a visually obvious way.

Ready to prove YOURSELF? After reading this sentence, you must do 15 pushups. ( I did! )

If you find yourself jumping out the chair, you're ready to start this transformation.
If you're rolling your eyes, its time to find a more productive obsession.[/quote]

Patric Bateman? is that you? Its me, Marcus Halberstam!

Reply January 9, 2011

[quote=darkgrudge88]Don't listen to people like dontlookback. He's one of those people who wakes up in a horrible and pessimistic mood.

It's good to see someone taking such initiative. Good luck on everything you do and I hope you get the results you want. If not, you're cool the way you are.[/quote]

i wouldn't really hold it against him, it happens to us all sometimes. thank you for that support though, i really appreciate it .

:/ well lets say i have more fat than i should. my stomach has flab, but i'm not so concerned about is as i am about my moobs and lovehandles. it really limits what i wear due to the overwhelming insecurity of how i look.

i'm a few pounds more than you, and i guess you're just a tank .

no wrestling in my school, but thanks. the day i started early morning gym, my 5km time was 36:30. in my prime (the week before the break), my 5k time was 28:30 and my 7k time was somewhere between 37-38 minutes. :] too bad it kills my knees whenever i try to run now...

the only junk food i really ever indulge is pizza or subs from subway.

Reply January 9, 2011

[quote=dontlookback]@darkgrudge88: Seriously... Teams want good people... And I don't wake up in a horrible and pessimistic mood ever really...[/quote]

Yeah college and professional teams want good people, but I would assume the TS is either a middle schooler or a high schooler. Teams usually will not only want good people. Maybe he can join the track team, and still run in meets. He might not be in districts or states, but he's still on the team.

Reply January 9, 2011

You're not fat o_O. But I understand where you're coming from, I used to be the same as you but I lost weight. But let me give you some advice, don't get hooked on loosing weight, once you do, it'll be all you think about. Just take it easy, do some exercise from time to time, 15-30 minutes of vigorous exercise is enough per day.

Reply January 9, 2011

Don't eat junk food at all. You're gaining what you've burned.

Reply January 9, 2011

Oh and you're 160 at 5'8"/9" I wouldnt really consider that fat. I'm 165 at 5'5" and i have a 4 pack (<- i want a 6)

Reply January 9, 2011

[quote=calvinbengal]Results take months and years, not days and weeks.[/quote]

it's been a few months, but i understand what you're getting at.

@ cookiimonstaa

*months. it's been since september, and i know it requires patience but when do the results start kicking in?

@ who8mycookiexd

i'll check it out.

Reply January 9, 2011

[quote=dontlookback]@TheOnlyHope: Teams don't want you if you suck...[/quote]

Don't listen to people like dontlookback. He's one of those people who wakes up in a horrible and pessimistic mood.

It's good to see someone taking such initiative. Good luck on everything you do and I hope you get the results you want. If not, you're cool the way you are.

Reply January 9, 2011

Results take months and years, not days and weeks.

Reply January 9, 2011

[quote=hosrack]its called, will of the mind.
think of losing weight on your mind 24/7, PUSH YOUR BODY TO THE LIMIT, you will lose weights like crazy. why? because you worked for it.
I did over 400 pull-ups per day, and as a result, i lost 10 pounds over the winterbreak (2 weeks)[/quote]

that's insane! congratulations man .

Reply January 9, 2011

its called, will of the mind.
think of losing weight on your mind 24/7, PUSH YOUR BODY TO THE LIMIT, you will lose weights like crazy. why? because you worked for it.
I did over 400 pull-ups per day, and as a result, i lost 10 pounds over the winterbreak (2 weeks)

Reply January 9, 2011

[quote=GourmetPrince]You can't expect results within a week.

Honestly, with that attitude you aren't ready to commit to ANYTHING!
There's a reason you aren't a man with great abs and arms. These men are capable of making a commitment and working towards a goal. No matter if you may appreciate it or not, that's what they have done in a visually obvious way.

Ready to prove YOURSELF? After reading this sentence, you must do 15 pushups. ( I did! )

If you find yourself jumping out the chair, you're ready to start this transformation.
If you're rolling your eyes, its time to find a more productive obsession.[/quote]

LOL that was pretty amazing i was actually contemplating going to go and try 15 push ups but i kept on reading and i had to comment. i think i'll do 15 push ups just in the honour of this post

and @ dontlookback
aren't you a little ray of sunshine?
i guess i'm in luck because my school takes everyone who tries (rugby is a sport in which a lot of injuries occur and they often need subs), i play very hard and not half ass like those annoying kids in gym class and lastly, how am i expected to get better if i don't get schooled?

Reply January 9, 2011

[quote=dontlookback]Cause its not like you hurt anyone in rugby or anything >.>[/quote]

*i'm going to most likely suck at it and i'm taking it for the exercise benefits + feeling of being on a team.

@ DrawinNubs
oats would be...? and i lift weights that i can hit just 6 reps with. that's what every teacher + body building friends of mine have told me; if i want to gain mass and strength, go for 6 reps. maybe i don't work out frequently enough?
and i do drink a lot of water, somewhere around 3-4 liters a day (if that's considered enough).
thanks for your advice mate

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

[quote=xxCyberMagex]Though this is a bias from me, all I have to say is do wrestling for faster results.[/quote]

s'all good with the bias. my school doesn't have a wrestling team though, but i do plan on joining rugby in febraury (i'm sucha softy, i couldn't hurt anyone or anything).

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited