

General Chat

idk what to go into in uni next year Deadlines for early admission applications are approaching and I'm so overwhelmed. I like math and bio and physics the most in school so I was thinking of going into biomedical engineering, but I'm also interested in genetic engineering and even just straight up bio or physics. I want to innovate AND do research and if possible be involved in creating a new era of outer space exploration. I have all these things that I am interested in and want to do and to have to narrow it down to like...1 or 2 seems so daunting. I'm fascinated by the really big and really small things in physics (and thus comes my passion for outer space, and wanting to know more about this strange thing called our universe) and part

General Chat

Issues getting up in the morning Hey Basil. Ever since I entered high school 2 years ago I've been having a horrible time getting up in the morning. I usually set my alarm for 7:10 and leave the house for school by 8:10. I HAVE A PROBLEM THOUGH. I have a horrible time getting out of bed. It takes me a solid 20-30 minutes to actually...well...wake up. I'm always just totally out of it and I have no idea that my alarm will have gone off for 20 minutes by the time I wake up. Once I am awake and aware and all that then it goes fine but just to reach that state of mind is a daily struggle for me. I'm not even up that late compared to other people I know. I'll be up until like 11:10 MAX so I get around 7.5 hours of sleep (which is decent...right?

General Chat

Help with solutions in 11th grade Chemistry Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section. Okay so I got a take-home test in chem today and I'm stumped on the following question. Determine the mass of hydrogen sulfate required to prepare 475.5-mL of sulfuric acid with a pH of 1.77. (6 marks) I'm just confused on how to write the balanced chemical equation because from what I've learned, HSO4- shouldn't be one of the ions that makes up H2SO4, rather it should be 2H+ and SO4-. Anyways, what I have so far is this dissociation equation: H2SO4(aq) ----> H+(aq) + HSO4-(aq) Is this the right place to start? I went ahead and calculated the concentration of H+ but now when I write out my stoichiometric equation I don't know where to put the give

General Mage

What do you recommend I do with 1.6b to increase my damage? I've recently sold some items and have made my way up to 1.6b. I'm a level 200 I/L mage and am looking for advice on how to use the mesos to best benefit my range! [url=http://imgur.com/a/8DuuO]Equips and stats (imgur album)[/url] If you'd rather not check out the album, my clean range and stats are: a range of 37414-49152, 445m.atk, and 2310 INT. I have 60%INT from equips, and 3%m.atk. Also, I have Kanna link skill Lv. 2, Xenon link skill Lv. 1 (working on 2) and I'm also working on getting the DA link skill. My character card sets add 8% of my mp into my damage range, give me something link +7m.atk, and +40 INT. Thanks for any suggestions! :D