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Problems with studying To be clear, I am still interested in the courses I select and the major I'm in. The real problem stems in getting lazy and putting less effort over the semesters and I don't see a way to stop this. In my first semester of college, I would spent at least an hour a day reviewing the material I learnt in class as well as study for the next class the night before. Now, I feel like I can barely do either. I'm actually doing assignments really close to the deadline and I feel that it is too risky for my gpa. Does anyone have a remedy for this?

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Sad. Just bombed my Cal 2 test To be completely fair, I didn't do much studying this for this test. I did fairly well for the first two quizzes - I got full marks on the first one and a 88% or so on the second, and I think that made me a little overconfident in my mathematical competency. The test had around 12 subchapters, and I thought that I was sufficiently confident in all of them. But when I started doing the test and looked at the first two questions, my mind went completely blank. These questions were supposed to be giveaway marks (they were inverse hyperbolic functions from the first chapter)and I couldn't remember for the life of me how to solve them. I browsed through the paper and spotted quite a number of things that I would ha

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Opinions on what classes to take next semester? Here is the deal, I was originally thinking on taking cal 2, physics 1, evolution, ecology and diversity (the class one would take after taking intro to cell bio), and abnormal psychology. So that's four classes. But 3 out of the 4 are STEM classes, and from what I've heard, cal 2 and physics 1 are no joke; on the other hand, I also heard that abnormal psychology is somewhat tougher than intro to psych. With this in mind, I do plan to reconfigure the subjects that I selected above. Also, chemistry has always been my weakest science, and it has been 2 semesters since I took chemistry 1, so I'm entertaining the thought of replacing bio with chem to ensure that I don't completely forget the mater

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How does one write a philosophical movie review I have this movie review due by the end of this month. The objective is to write about the philosophical aspects of the movie, such as the branch of philosophy involved, any philosophical problems it poses and how it is addressed. I also need to relate them to the plot and characters in 1400 words. I'm thinking of doing the movie "Interstellar". I've never done a movie review before, yet alone a philosophical one. This all seems a bit daunting and I'm not entirely sure how I should approach this. Any suggestions? Also, please pm me a sweet title for the review if you can think of one xD

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Do you think she is interested in me? I've seen this girl quite a number of times, she's in the same calculus class as me. I didn't talk to her much before this, until one night. We had this gathering, I randomly went and sat next to her and said 'sup'. She responded by squeezing my chin and saying "you're so cute" (srs. not even sure how the f that happen, but whatever lol). I kind of blew it back then, because I just stood there in silence lol (not deliberately, but i didn't know how to react). Anyway, she went back early, but I gathered the courage to text her (I got her number from our college group chat) for the first time that night and she replied the next day. It's been a week now, and we've been texting on and off. Initially, repli

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Would this combination of classes be too much for a freshman Next semester will be my second semester of college. I'm thinking of taking calculus I, and introduction classes of cell biology, philosophy and psychology. I'm just wondering if the workload would be too great for me? I'm aware that the latter 3 would require a lot of reading, so it may not be ideal to take them all in one semester. Has anyone done something similar before? How did it turn out? Also if you could share some tips on how to retain what I read, that'll be great.

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How should I plan my study schedule? I started college this week. My class will be starting next week. I'm taking precalculus and general chemistry I, being a short semester I'm only taking 2 classes. I'm not entirely sure yet how I should go about planning the times that I need to be study and times that I do not. I'm not very good at maths (I got a B for my finals in high school), so I will probably need to spend more time on precalculus than your typical STEM major. I will have back-to-back classes three days a week, but I do not have any class on Friday. I don't need much of a social life, so it is possible for me to spend more time studying. Can anyone help me with my predicament? Have you experienced anything like this before?

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Why are some scientists so vehemently against philosophy? Such as Feynman, Hawking and Neil Degrasse Tyson. They seem to have the impression that philosophy is not keeping up with the times and has become redundant with the progression of science. But don't scientists themselves face epistemological, metaphysical and ethical questions while perform science? An example could include the moral implications of the Manhattan project or the cloning of people and what have you. I don't think that these people necessarily represent the majority of the scientific community, but they are pretty influential and extremely well-respected in their respective fields, so I figured that their sentiments would have some weight to it.

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Can a person with below average IQ become a doctor? Not necessarily just a doctor, but any career that requires a lot of mental effort - Scientists, engineers, etc. Could an individual, with IQ below average be able to power through med school/PhD programme/whatever with a huge amount of focus and determination? Or is there a point where this individual wouldn't be able to grasp any concepts after a particular stage? I know that it is unlikely for something within the confines of this hypothetical to happen, but is it possible?

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