

General Chat

In so much pain ): I have one huge canker sore in my mouth and it's hurting sooooo badly. My teeth are even hurting and I can't eat because of it. I also bite my tongue and the side of my mouth so those places hurt too and adding on more to this canker sore pain. I was wondering if I should buy something from the drug store made to relieve this kind of pain but I've heard they do not work from a few people. My brother told me to put orajel on it, and the pain is gone for like 10 minutes, but it comes back quickly and I think the sore got worse because of it. What should I do? D: Should I just wash my mouth with salt water or buy medicine, leave it be, etc?

General Chat

Horrible School Day ;id=7740628&rss=rss-kabc-article-7740628 This happened to me at school today. I was in the actual classroom and it was so extremely terrifying. Out of nowhere there was a loud pop and then I see a 12foot wall of flames, with my two friends engulfed in it. Another one of my friend caught on fire and my teacher had to tackle him down to calm him down and put out the fire. I'm so traumatized at this point. I'm not injured at all, but still I feel so horrid. :/ Has anything like this happened to you? It's just scary because it happened right in front of my eyes..

General Chat

Getting my nails done! I'm getting my nails done today for Homecoming and I was wondering what to get.. My dress is a dark blue or navy and my shoes and accessories are gold. I don't want navy nails just to match my dress, so I was leaning towards like a nude or creme color with some cute stuff or whatever. Maybe even gold, I don't know. I'm going to a japanese place. Thought I'd just put that info out there even if it might be irrelevant.. So, how should I get my nails done? :) Pictures would be nice!

General Chat

Not Boyfriend Problems. Wow, I can't believe I'm telling my problems out to Basil.. o__o But I feel like I've run out of options, and I seem to feel worse and worse about this problem. He's not my boyfriend. We're the same age, we go to the same school, and on top of that he's my next door neighbor. We've known each other for a long time, but it wasn't until Freshmen year (3 years ago) that we began really talking. It was this summer that set off the spark. I've always had previous little crushes on him, but I never let it develop into something bigger because of the fact that I've always thought he was too good for me. In June, we really starting to hang out and be around each other a lot. I would think we saw each other every single day.