

Afk attacking as a xenon

Is there a good place a xenon can go to afk attack? I love training manually but I feel like if I don't train while im sleeping or stuff like that ill be missing out on some levels. Im not 165 yet nor do I have the damage to 1hko yet so is there a good alternative in doing so? I know some of you dont like afk training but I honestly don't see anything wrong with it. I mean i paid about 30k nx to get my pet all the skills and I feel like i should be allowed to use em however I want to ya feel? Anyways any tips would help!

January 14, 2015

23 Comments • Newest first


[quote=MeiGuiHua]So wait how do people know you're afk training[/quote]

You can't be serious right?

Reply January 14, 2015

[quote=FalseMirror]Banned. Specifically IP banned.[/quote]

IP ban for marcoing? lulz

Reply January 14, 2015

@goofyx13: Its basically a bot so yes. Do you even know what a bot is? It's not a bot itself but it's a bot like movement. It's the reason why it's against the terms as Nexon classifies it as botting. Just like putting a coin under your key is classified as botting. Please do research and understand why it's against the terms. It gives an unfair advantage to other players and does basically what a bot would do. Also dude go to the other page someone already proved that botting play is against the terms. It's under Nexon tos so ofc it's against the rules.

@FartTerrorist as long as you move around the character you're playing with then it's not botting. Botting is basically holding the key down and then moving away from the pc so it attacks automatically non stop. If there is no bot checker where it stops your character from attacking after xx amount of attacks then yes it's botting. This could get you banned from the game. The chances are low though since GMs hardly check anything like this but it's still against the terms of service.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

[quote=Omniscient1]So basically you want to bot then? If you prefer to bot then why not just hack it be much easier to do and you dont even have to be on your pc. Seriously wrong forum to ask this kinda of stuff.[/quote]

Afk training has nothing to do with bots. So basically NO.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

So I've seen a few people afk train the "legit" way, they would hold their keys down and attack but they would be right beside their computer doing something else, be it studying, reading or watching YouTube or some drama series. That's unfair too but they will never get banned. Just a thought.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

@Blackinup: Why is it considered botting? Do you even know what botting is? Because I don't see any robot working for him. And I certainly don't need any robot working for me when holding down the attack button either.

@FreeIcecream: This guy though. An actual intelligence that shows me what I want to see. Thank you. NOW I can see why afk attacking can be banned. They really didn't leave a loop hole.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

So wait how do people know you're afk training

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

[quote=boredtodeath555]Wow, even I didn't know this was treated as some hack. I mean, the game itself is ALLOWING you to attack with no 3rd party program. There's literally no ACTUAL reason at all as to why he should get banned. Where in the TOS does it state that you can't hold a button down? Can someone tell me that? And they better quote it with reference too. No BS about what you think or what other people said.[/quote]

[url=]Something like this?[/url]

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

[quote=boredtodeath555]Wow, even I didn't know this was treated as some hack. I mean, the game itself is ALLOWING you to attack with no 3rd party program. There's literally no ACTUAL reason at all as to why he should get banned. Where in the TOS does it state that you can't hold a button down? Can someone tell me that? And they better quote it with reference too. No BS about what you think or what other people said.[/quote]

It's Afk Attacking and it's considered "Botting" and yes it's against the ToS.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

Wow, even I didn't know this was treated as some hack. I mean, the game itself is ALLOWING you to attack with no 3rd party program. There's literally no ACTUAL reason at all as to why he should get banned. Where in the TOS does it state that you can't hold a button down? Can someone tell me that? And they better quote it with reference too. No BS about what you think or what other people said.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

As people have already pointed out, "AFK training" = botting... and botting is against the ToS. Therefore...
1) Don't do it or you'll be banned as it's against the ToS.
2) Talking about how to do it here on Basil is against the site's rules (the thread will be taken down and you may also suffer a temporary ban).

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

I wouldn't advise doing that. Sadly its considered botting. You can be banned. Not even Ip banned because that can be fixed but perma banned and lose it all for good.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

Im sry but afk training to 200 or 250 is kind of shunned upon...

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

Banned. Specifically IP banned.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

asking on basil must have been a good idea in your books, wouldn't be surprised if you get banned

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

Dude point is if you really want to know this then go to the other site THAT other website that has this kind of stuff. It's against the terms so its pointless to ask here on Basil. Surpised this thread did not get deleted yet due to the fact your asking for basically hacks. What you are doing is no different than a botting program. It's against the terms so do as your own risk but do your own research if you want to know.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

[quote=alexyoon1997]I don't afk train all the time. I'm just the type of person that needs something to happen 24/7. Like if im asleep per say im missing out on 3-5 possible levels. Im all for making the best out of every situation.[/quote]

"I don't always mug people for money, sometimes I work as well".
Sorry Kiddo, but that's all I'm reading. What you're doing goes against the ToS, so you'll get banned even if it's not something you do all the time.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

I don't afk train all the time. I'm just the type of person that needs something to happen 24/7. Like if im asleep per say im missing out on 3-5 possible levels. Im all for making the best out of every situation.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

Lol much salty replies here hehe

As everyone has said it's bannable and frowned upon by many. If you dont have the time to train then don't play rpgs dude. They are all about time consumption and character progression.

Do you really want to risk it? You spend so much time on that character and then nexon permanently bans you. Would feel terrible right?

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

So basically you want to bot then? If you prefer to bot then why not just hack it be much easier to do and you dont even have to be on your pc. Seriously wrong forum to ask this kinda of stuff.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

As others have said, you can be banned for 'afk training'.

And since it goes against the Maplestory ToS, I don't think you're even allowed to make a thread about it here?

Sorry for being a party pooper

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

You can get banned for AFK training, good luck.

The problem, myself and others have with it is that it's unfair. Yes, you paid 30$ for a pet and what not, but that does not mean you can use the pet and abuse your skills. You might as well go buy a gun and shoot people because you have the ability to. Personally, I dislike lazy people, I dislike those who take the easy way out.

Of course, the way I view things are not the same as you or others, so with the knowledge that you can be banned for such a thing, I'd advise you to rethink what you're wanting to do.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited

not even 200 and you want to afk train? when exp is still easy? im not going to get into an argument on this, but do it oftenly and you will get banned. making the 30k nx pet skills go to waste. course thats just me.

Reply January 14, 2015 - edited