

I need help with my thoughts

So I have a problem that bothers me everyday. It bothers me in everything I do. It is driving me nuts. I will get right to it. So I have OCD and whenever I think of a bad thought when I am doing something such as opening a door, turning on my console, turning on my computer, eating, showering, basically anything I do. I have to redo what i am doing and think a good thought. So let's say I open my bedroom door with a negative thought about getting sick or something, I have to step out of my room and enter again with a good thought that counters that. It's not just that, I have like 100 things I have to say before I enter my room but i was giving an example. It's so hard cause the negative thoughts always reappear in my mind because i am obsessing over them. Can anyone help me. It's effecting my life big time. Maybe I should get medication for this?

June 1, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


a satanic being is possessing you. do not let the beast take control. in the name of christ you must banish this demon from your soul and become pure once more.

Reply June 1, 2015

Sounds like real OCD. It's a ritualistic behavior.

EDIT: oh you knew that. Yeah there's meds for that.

Reply June 1, 2015 - edited

Maybe try this: put a picture of a cute cat on your phone, and look at it every time you have to walk through a door? Or a picture of anything that makes you happy.

Reply June 1, 2015 - edited

Talk to your parents, a school counselor or straight up a professional. Nobody on here will effectively be able to help you (unless we have some professionals on here). There may or may not be medication for it but instead of taking the easy way out (consider there's side effects to medication and it may end up helping only temporarily or you may be dependent on them permanently) if possible get treatment instead, there may be ways to improve without medi. Any idea how you came to be the way you are? Since you most likely haven't done this your entire life. Try to trace back what made you start it, maybe that helps you to manage it better yourself or at least you got something to tell your therapy-person in the end

Reply June 1, 2015 - edited

In the future when you do anything with a negative thought, tell yourself nothing bad is going to happen and just keep going, you don't have to try to drown out or ignore the impulse to do so, just don't act on it. I think it's more of a bad habit, and well ingrained habits are hard to break so it might take time but just remember nothing bad is going to happen if you don't "correct" yourself when you pass through a door or something.

Reply June 1, 2015 - edited