
Help me choose an explorer

Hey guys! Today, I want to make a new explorer as a main but I have no idea which
I want to make an explorer because then I can transfer my perm NX and not worry about more perm NX clothes.
That probably sounds a little henehoe-ish but I also got a permanent pet so...
Anyways, I would like an explorer with this: (including Jett, Cannoneer and Dual Blade)

- Fun (Doesn't spam one button)
- Combos
- Strong
- Good bosser
- Preference, cheap
- A class I won't get bored of soon
- Variety

September 28, 2014

12 Comments • Newest first


Beginner is the 100% opposite lol. Not cheap because rares/valuables/mounts. Weak, can't boss at all, easily bored by, no variety, and not really fun but can be at times

Reply September 29, 2014


Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

- Fun (Doesn't spam one button) X
- Combos X
- Strong X
- Good bosser X
- Preference, cheap <-----------
- A class I won't get bored of soon <-------------
- Variety X

Make a beginner like me!

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

F/P fits pretty much everything in your description

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

Fire and Poison is probably what you're looking for. They're strong, incredible bossers, combos with DoT, it doesn't get boring that's for sure, and you can have a variety in the way you use your DoTs. It's not expensive, but not that cheap. Mage CRA is cheap except the pants which are 1b, but other than that it's really easy to hit high and have fun!

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

Either F/P or Shad. Personally I'm playing my 172 Shad right now (just left my 163 F/P) and I'm loving it. You don't exactly *SPAM* assassinate, but it is your main bossing skill. You can link in combos with Meso Explosion and Boomerang step if you need/want to. My F/P Mage felt much more 'spam-y' because when you're bossing, you only have to use two skills once you've placed your dots on the boss(Flame Haze -> Mist Eruption).

Either way, both are fun. I'd sway more towards a Shadower, though.

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

I heard F/P is good

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

Shadower. Fun to me, rather strong, skills link with Boomerang Step.

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

BM(prob getting nerfed), Shade? I heard DB are kinda fun.

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited

Idk about fun and wont get bored soon and honestly a lot of them spam one skill. However i think fire poison meets the majority of what you're asking for

Reply September 28, 2014 - edited