

Under the assumption of 125b worth of funding

~125b. Give or take 5b.

What thief class should I aim for?

Nightlord, Shadower, or Dual Blade?

General prerequisites would include:
1) High single target damage for bosses
2) Some spammable mob skill for training or mobs in bosses

I was told by some guild mates that Nightlords/Night Walkers are currently dominate, but I'm hesitant to think so. On another note, does anyone have an updated DPS tier chart?

November 9, 2014

25 Comments • Newest first


@Effectivs: Back when prime scrolls were available i made atleast $3000 in items from farming coins, buying and selling leaves and that stuff.
And on scania there are a lot of people with items worth this amount. Not everyone, not even the majority but a lot of players.

Reply November 13, 2014

[quote=pman1123]@Amazing: well honestly a DB is going to hit harder on bosses and mobs during his FC but when its off NL would take higher dps on bosses, DBs are superior for mobbing[/quote]

Huh... I just have to make more characters then! Guild Mates told me to be a Dual Blade till level 200 though. It seems like Nightlords are best for making money for the time being though.

Reply November 10, 2014

@Amazing: well honestly a DB is going to hit harder on bosses and mobs during his FC but when its off NL would take higher dps on bosses, DBs are superior for mobbing

Reply November 10, 2014

[quote=bblan7787]if you care about damage go night walker end thread their vastly stronger than the explorer ninjas its not even a debate[/quote]

Thank you for your information. I've already stuck with Nightlords, but I have a Nightwalker being made in the process.

Reply November 10, 2014

[quote=Amazing]I'm not really about fun. I can adapt to any style. I just prefer highest damage output on bosses, but I still want to deal with mobs. Thank you for your input though.[/quote]

if you care about damage go night walker end thread their vastly stronger than the explorer ninjas its not even a debate

Reply November 10, 2014

[quote=CRUSlFIED]Just make a thief and use job change[/quote]

That's contradictory to the purpose of the thread.

Reply November 10, 2014

Just make a thief and use job change

Reply November 10, 2014

[quote=Exodus203]125b = 600$ right now. Many people on the game have a single item worth $300.[/quote]

I doubt many players have 300$ worth of items that easily. It's most likely bought mesos since they are dirt cheap now.

Reply November 10, 2014 - edited

by personal pref. and how fast they train i would pick Night Lord after a while if you feel like ur bored of spamming 1 or 2 skills depending on how you train i'd say switch to shadower just because mesos explosion is always fun and as stated by many people before assassinate is op, to bad the skill "BOT" (band of thieves) was taken out

Reply November 10, 2014 - edited

continue saving before you make any decisions. with 500b+ you can go any direction and be content

but personally, shadowers r really interesting in terms of concept and slay when it comes to bossing, which for some is bad because they want a mobber but anything is possible with damage

Reply November 10, 2014 - edited

[quote=Amazing]Edit: On another note, does anyone have an updated DPS tier chart?[/quote]
Last page is from recent KMS updates (what you should expect later)

Reply November 10, 2014 - edited

Night Lord.
It is so easy to Gollux with it, it makes me cry.
Shadower and DB both have horrible range (and by that I mean the range of how far you hit), and both doesn't have that much of a mobbing skill.
However, NL is very easy to mob with,
I would prefer NW > NL though

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

@Amazing: Woops! I wrote around, when I meant to say they aren't SUPER overpriced. Relative to funding a Night Lord (because of the NW revamp) it should be a piece of pie...or cake...or whatever delicious deity you choose to worship

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

I would say fund a night lord but if you REALLY wanted to you could switch over to shadower after you reach a certain point (NL gets more exp thanks to showdown). I personally play a night lord and other then getting pestered by Noob Walkers im having a blast. IF YOU DECIDE TO PLAY A NL wait about a month or so to ACTUALLY fund it Noob Walkers have jacked up the prices.

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

[quote=Zoro]Pick an adventurer class. That way if one of the three gets buffed, or you change your mind, you can just job change (since you seem to not care about playstyle).[/quote]

i mean, like. i cant even. can you even?

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

[quote=Zoro]Pick an adventurer class. That way if one of the three gets buffed, or you change your mind, you can just job change (since you seem to not care about playstyle).[/quote]

All 3 of the listed are adventurers.

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

Pick an adventurer class. That way if one of the three gets buffed, or you change your mind, you can just job change (since you seem to not care about playstyle).

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

With that amount of funding, you would do reasonably well with any three of those classes you listed. So in terms of personal preference, I'm going to have to go with NL

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

[quote=SLuu]125b what. How much $$ you spend on this game bruh[/quote]

125b = 600$ right now. Many people on the game have a single item worth $300.

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

I actually think dual blades are a good class for you i personally have a DB and he is very good for bossing and also for mobing. They have a variety of skills that are bossing skills and mobing skills and you use most of them because each skill is used for a different situation. that is the reason i really like the DB because most classes have 2 skills that they only use and the DB you can use almost every skill because you need it for a different situation.

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

Night Lords are amazing at bossing and at training, great mobbing skill that gives you extra 40% exp. Also you get the mark of the nl and if you hit high enough you can clear out an entire strong hold map with one attack. Night Lords can easily cheese through gollux and is pretty damn good at all bosses, they are pretty easy to hit cap damage and cap range on as well. Also, I believe you hit attack speed cap with just booster(?)

Dual Blade are great mobbers and amazing bossers as well, though they have pretty low % on their attacks but they are fast! That being said, they need a lot of more funds than all the other thieves (Except Shadower for special reasons I will explain soon) You will also need to get basically a whole nother weapon too (in price) as your secondary. When training all you really do is spin and you decimate all mobs in the area, it has a wide range and hits fast. Also, you'll need to get a lot of buff duration, around 50%? So you'll need it from inner ability and need to make a mech for character card. You need all that for unlimited FC(Final cut), this does not mean that you can constantly cast it but it's more like when it runs out you don't have to wait to cast it again.

Shadower! My favorite thief yet I get bored on it (Prolly just for nostalgia) This class packs a punch, Assassinate punches through everything and you can spam the skill though at end game it's not your ideal bossing skill. The amazing thing about Shadowers is that they can hit way over the regular damage cap, they can hit up to 110 mil per line (or more?) at end game you'll be using Monster carnival and Meso explosion to do all your bossing needs! So... many lines of goodness qq <3 As for training and mobbing they're decent, b-step/stab (I forgot which it is now) is good for one shotting mobs and if you can't one shot or want to be fancy for extra dps you can macro in BS+SB (savage bl(o)w) there is a trick i use that I feel is faster though, i'd just use b-step/stab then press down to stop the animation after the first attack and to me it seemed faster and better for training. ALSO Flip of the coins is op, too tired to explain, isn't it like 50% attack? or 25%... I forget qq Either way, once you get that nothing will compare to you

Night walker erm, godly bosser, decent mobber if you have the damage. BATS EVERYWHERE (Until nerf) Nw is rank 2 on dps chart only cause Zero has such high % on skills, if Zero did not have such high % Nw would dominate. They hit fast, hard and they shoot bats to hit harder and to hit everything else in the map, you get regeneration from bats and you also get a bind skill (but it only seems like a skill you'd use if you were muleing for someone though). I mean there isn't much to say about this class, you have to be closer to bosses than NL so no cheesing through gollux but not like it matters, you have quintuple throw and have a hyper skill that gives you 3 shadow partners... also shadow partner will only do 60% of your damage.. but if you're godly enough they can hit cap on all hits unlike Night lords 35 mil cap.
With 125 bil, I'd throw my meso on a Night Lord, save up then gradually fund a shadower until it can hit at least 80 mils per line with Monster Carnival, then you'll have a great end game class and wonderful damage.

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

[quote=pman1123]dual bladers have a fun play style and massive damage output...NL's are the sh^45t though....but honestly in my opinion the current version of NL's isn't the same as it used to be...much like how drks became less fun after zerk change after big bang[/quote]

I'm not really about fun. I can adapt to any style. I just prefer highest damage output on bosses, but I still want to deal with mobs. Thank you for your input though.

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

dual bladers have a fun play style and massive damage output...NL's are the sh^45t though....but honestly in my opinion the current version of NL's isn't the same as it used to be...much like how drks became less fun after zerk change after big bang

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

[quote=Seatillite]Shadowers tickle my fancy. There aren't many around, so daggers around stupidly overpriced like a certain type of thief's items are (you know who you are). They have good avoidability skills which are fun to use.[/quote]
Thank you for your feedback. I'm hesitant on Shadowers because of the price. I was told they have subpar mobbing skills as well.

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited

Shadowers tickle my fancy. There aren't many around, so daggers around stupidly overpriced like a certain type of thief's items are (you know who you are). They have good avoidability skills which are fun to use.

Reply November 9, 2014 - edited