

Serious H. Clinton vs. Trump

Is it the first time the people have been this reticent about their choice in their favored candidate, and reasonably so. With that being said, it is still important to discuss opinions about the topics regarding presidency instead of making a poor, uninformative choice when or if you decide to vote.

Here are my opinions as I've just researched some overall views and used it as a template via

H. Clinton - Feminism, government rules the people (liberal), weaker military

D. Trump - Personal freedom, truer to American foundations (conservative), stronger military, power to the people
In terms of publicity, H. Clinton is a lot more controlled and presents herself as politically correct while Trump is a lot more outspoken and very open about his ideals and opinions.
There was a lot of backlash on Trump's build a wall thing but I cannot say I entirely disagree with the concept. There is a lot of illegal activities in Mexico, our direct southern border, which carries over into America in the form of smuggled drugs, illegal immigration, etc.
I side with Trump's view against abortion.

Stronger military? Hell yes. Why in the world would we want a weaker national defense H. Clinton? Because it's the politically correct thing? Please.

I agree that schools should be allowed to use a student's past accomplishments as preferential treatment and that jobs should hire people based on their abilities/capabilities relating to the work at hand rather than hiring people (or recruiting students in the case of universities and colleges) to fit a quota of racial equality.

I'm all for free market economy. Government regulations would be too strict and standardized. Do we want to be living in Pixie World (Fairly Odd Parents reference) ffs?

Energy: I have to side with H. Clinton's view on energy and I hope Trump gets with the times. Oil, gas, and coil are not good for the environment and we are making vast improvements to green technology. Wind, solar, water turbine energy are all in abundance. With that being said, I am against solely relying on one type of energy resource over another, a good balance between both are ideal.

Gun Laws: The 2nd amendment allows the right for people to keep and bear arms without limitation. In this sense Trump is correct in defending it the way he does. Guns are scary and can be abused by authority and people alike, but this amendment was written in good faith that guns would only be used for self defense.

Healthcare: Siding with H. Clinton here, healthcare should be regulated by government and affordable to all citizens. I'd like to say that Free Market economy is good but should not be the end all be all to everything.

Homeland Security: I have to agree with Trumps views on homeland security. Yes, it is the politically correct thing to be against racial profiling to appeal to that minority, but it is not the safe nor smart thing to do. "Profiling is the good logical police work" and guess what? There's nothing wrong with that. Our airports are one of our 3 first lines of defense (direct land border and ports being the other two) and we cannot and should not be careless enough just to appeal to a minority.

Immigration: Yes to legal immigration, no to amnesty.

Eminent domain: To some extent I agree with government having this power, but should only be exercised with very good reason and should be regulated.

Religion: It's in the first amendment allowing people to exercise their freedom of religion. Even though it is written in the first amendment my personal opinion is that religion and government are separate entities and should not be intertwined.

Same sex marriage: I kind of side with Trump. Simply put, man+woman is marriage and man+man/woman+woman is partnership. Even though I categorize differently please keep in mind that I am against any form of equivalence to marriage between the same sex, but I am not against same sex relationships.

Taxes: I agree with Trump: "Lower taxes create more incentive for people to work, save, invest, and engage in entrepreneurial endeavors. Money is best spent by those who earn it, not the government."

Terrorism: Kind of a no brainer, siding with Trump. Terrorism needs to be ended.

Welfare: I agree with Trump: "Opportunities should be provided to make it possible for those in need to become self-reliant."
Any point I did not touch upon was because I do not hold a strong enough opinion to be certain.
I'd appreciate it if you voice your opinions using the website listed at the start of this thread as a guideline.

September 24, 2016

19 Comments • Newest first


@upcomingnerd: Absolutely, you bring up a good point. Take into account, when dealing with nuclear weapons, at most these countries somewhat follow the script of " Hey guys, so ya we all have nukes, so let's not do anything overly retarded to destroy planet Earth. K thanx bai now"

Nobody is wanting to get into nuclear warfare except maybe North Korea, but North Korea is still in medieval times, and we could secure that victory within a year if war broke out. more than anything, war has become a more literal "game of thrones" one big chess game involving multiple countries at a time.

Reply September 28, 2016

@dbenbaruk: lol And yet China and Russia are doing as they please. For all of the USA's military might they know that at best when it comes to other nuclear powers, they have nothing but stern words.

Reply September 28, 2016

@xdarkshynobi: Clearly you've never deployed before. The army is the biggest branch of service for a reason(I'm in the Army). The Marine Corps is kept small for a reason. The army is a ground sustaining fighting force, we are the largest branch because our overall mission requires the most resources and time, hence why the Army has the longest deployments amongst all branches of service. Previous to stop-loss we were doing 18 month deployments in country as opposed to the Marine Corps 6-9 months. The Army is an occupying force, The Marine corps comes in and clears the land and the Army comes in and occupies it and maintains it and sustains the fighting to ensure that our total operations can continue forward. Hence why also even when technical "combat operations" have stopped in Afghanistan and the Marine Corps already pulled out, the Army has stayed there and still continues to fight the Taliban, train the ANA, and build infrastructures into the foreseeable future.

And yes we always need to have a stronger military. Do you realize that it is in large part due to our military presence that we are seen figuratively as the world's global super power? America is easily situated in one of the best positions in terms of warfare. We are a country protected on two fronts by large bodies of water, and a frozen tundra to the north and our only land connection at Mexico, in the northern area is situated in dry and desert landscape. We have the most advanced military in the world, amongst the most experienced military in the world, the largest air force in the world and the 2nd largest air force in the world is our Navy(that should tell you something about our prowess). War does not come to our soil for a reason. We put fear into countries that mess with our allies/us because they understand the repercussions of what might happen if the USA gets involved. Even though our economy is floundering at the moment and many other countries have begin to climb the ladder to top spots, America is still the world's leader and will continue to be so for as long as keep our military great. We lead by fear and example and we are the amongst the first to be called for help amongst many nations when they suffer turmoil and/or are on the brink of foreign warfare.

Especially in today's warfare, when we aren't dealing with conventional wars where you have 2 countries on one field and just go at it, it's more important now then ever to have resources and funding for our military. In Afghanistan, since we've been following COIN(counter insurgency), just killing people isn't the name of the game. We need the air coverage, we need to daily necessities to upkeep with those 2 week missions of going into villages and conducting small mission operations and "winning hearts and minds." The future of warfare points to more technological days, but our biggest threat are nomadic people that aren't afraid to die and are easily swayed back and forth. When you are at war with a religion and an idea, you need all the funding and resources you can get, because rarely, if ever, do Ideas die.

Reply September 28, 2016

Both options are horrible. Of 300m+ people, you americans had to choose these 2 nincompoops as your only viable presidential candidates? *shaking my head*

Reply September 28, 2016 - edited

lookin forward to that debate tomorrow

Reply September 26, 2016 - edited

Running mate Mike Pence and the republicans in general are great people. This comment is a fine example. Trump memes to carry top tier Republicans into office.

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

Trump, sometimes he's a buffoon(most of the time) but his policies out gun hers by miles. She's honestly a bit devious and the stuff she's trying to pass is a copy of bernie sanders

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

Trump is the obvious choice lol

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

Please feel free to comment your own opinions, but try to keep yourselves civilized in this discussion. If you feel strongly enough about an issue you should have a good enough reason to defend it without the need to attack another person's opinion. I created this thread not as a debate but as a place to share your thoughts openly without harassment.

Thank you and have a nice day

P.S. I've been reading these responses and they are giving me new knowledge and interest on things I did not previously know about. Let's keep it up!

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

"Stronger military? Hell yes. Why in the world would we want a weaker national defense H. Clinton? Because it's the politically correct thing? Please."

Am i unaware of some certain war we are about to wage on? Have you any idea how much power our Navy alone has? Do you have any idea how much money our military sucks up like a sponge? All this money could go to so many other areas such as higher education, research and renewable energy.

"Gun Laws: The 2nd amendment allows the right for people to keep and bear arms without limitation. In this sense Trump is correct in defending it the way he does. Guns are scary and can be abused by authority and people alike, but this amendment was written in good faith that guns would only be used for self defense."

Good faith? Good faith dosent cut it in today's world. The amount of yearly shootings in the U.S alone is astonishing, there are plenty of first world countries such as those in Europe that can be seen as a model of how removing guns tremendously lowers crime. Just because it was an accepted mentality to kill someone who stole a loaf of bread hundreds of years ago in some cultures does not mean it is still ok today. Rules change and develop with our culture the amendments are no exception, there is nothing we are losing by losing personally owned guns.

"Homeland Security: I have to agree with Trumps views on homeland security. Yes, it is the politically correct thing to be against racial profiling to appeal to that minority, but it is not the safe nor smart thing to do. "Profiling is the good logical police work" and guess what? There's nothing wrong with that. Our airports are one of our 3 first lines of defense (direct land border and ports being the other two) and we cannot and should not be careless enough just to appeal to a minority. "

No, racial profiling is what causes our officers and citizens to develop biased and racist mentalities. Do you think all these shootings are "new" phenomena? This has been happening for decades but now it has been put on the spotlight. It is NOT ok to treat criminals more harshly based on the color of their skin. The fact that a white family can freely go to any other country with little to no detention, yet when a middle eastern family so much as enters an airport starts getting disgusted looks and then are humiliated further by going through an extensive screening is ridiculous. Its like telling them you are all the same because of the actions of these individuals you are no longer normal people in our country.

"Religion: It's in the first amendment allowing people to exercise their freedom of religion. Even though it is written in the first amendment my personal opinion is that religion and government are separate entities and should not be intertwined.

Same sex marriage: I kind of side with Trump. Simply put, man+woman is marriage and man+man/woman+woman is partnership. Even though I categorize differently please keep in mind that I am against any form of equivalence to marriage between the same sex, but I am not against same sex relationships. "

Uh what? Hypocrite much? Here you are saying you believe government and religion should be separate then immediately after discuss that same sex marriage is a no go? Why because it is not as indicated in religion that only a man and a woman can be wed? The difference between a "partnership" and a "marriage" in the eyes of the law is very different you should look into it. I dont care what you personally think is a "marriage" the government has no right to decided who can and can not be married, and should provide equal rights to the couple regardless of gender unity.

-Now onto the sorry excuse for the republican candidate and his "plan" for immigration. Trump has absolutely ZERO political experience in ANY level, at best is a businessman (and branded a con man) who has taken advantage of and put small businesses he deals with out of business. What does this tell you? That trump is by far the least certified primary candidate in the last century, and even further back if by some nightmare becomes president. His stance on immigration is by all means a joke, and considering how far hes gotten not a very funny one. He plans to expunge all illegal families that currently reside in the U.S, do you know how many families that is? MILLIONS, millions of families split up. Rapists? Murderers? What does he care when he is not willing to differentiate, do you even understand what this country is made up of? Immigrants, we are a country of immigrants yet here we are denying immigrants access ( if only the Natives could have done this). Then his grand scheme and signature catchphrase "Build a wall" works how exactly? Because if i understand correctly, he has so far given no actual in depth plan for the building of this wall. Mexico will go to war before they are forced through diplomatic relations to build a wall that will cost upwards of billions of dollars. Do you know how expensive war is? Our taxes will rise, and thats not even delving into how many lives will be lost over a pointless dispute like this. Trump is not, in the least, qualified to become president and has yet to prove so. When i see people calling the man that stated "I could walk out the street and shoot 5 people and lose no supporters" or that "Obama *LITERALLY* founded ISIS* is the lesser of two evils i cant help but laugh and be scared for the future of our country. I dont personally think that Hillary will bring revolutionary change, but shes is getting my vote as i will not allow a man like trump have my vote or my support by not voting at all.

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

@stoker: The 2nd Amendment was written during 1787. During 1787, before the 2nd Amendment was written there was a rebellion call Shay's Rebellion. It was suppressed in the end by a privately funded militia because the US actually had no standing army at the time. Shay's rebellion happened over taxes yet in the end they were crushed, and denounced as treasonous rebels, when they were technically expressing, as you say, their rights to revolt against a supposed tyrannical government.

Do you see where I am going at? The 2nd Amendment, when it says militia, it meant a group of armed personnel who are loyal to the US government (and thus by well regulated, not how well they are supplied but whether they are loyal to the US government), not self serving individuals, in this case Shay's Rebels. Nowadays we have the national guards who fulfill the role, so unless the gun owners are part of the national guard, or any government institute of armed force, they actually don't fall into the category which is stated by the 2nd Amendmemt.

This is why I said, the 2nd Amendment is outdated and needs to be redefined.

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

lel All politicians lie anyway. They can make claims to end world hunger to get votes, but once in office nada. Trump 4 ww3.

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

@stoker: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

A well regulated Milita. Being NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE. Gun owners aren't necessary for a free state nowadays, and they aren't even a well regulated militia (that would be the police). What can a gun do to a tank rolling down the street if the US was invaded. Absolutely nothing.

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

- Military "strength" nowadays is the same as saying how many nuclear warheads you have. And besides, the current US military, along with most western armies, are like chained animals. Soldiers cannot do anything exceptionally "cruel" otherwise they get crucified by social media.
- The 2nd Amendment literally states the right to bear arms is to protect the state's interest and security, not the individuals (The law was written when US had no professional army). Granted that the times have changed, and the security of the state is guaranteed by the military. The Amendment needs to be redefined, just as how gun owners redefined the amendment to satisfy their own insecurities. I don't think guns can be completely removed since it's a heritage thing, but at the very least limitations are needed.
- Healthcare should be affordable and ideally free.
- Homeland security should be upheld although the targets of security check must not be discriminatory.
- Immigration: As long as it's legal.
- Build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it. The start of the next Mexican-American War, otherwise there is no way Mexico going to pay for anything. At best if the wall is to be enforced, the wall would be paid for by taxpayers.
- Energy, as a global superpower, I think it's best that the US switched to renewable energy as it would influence other countries to do so as well.
- Taxes should be lowered, otherwise the government must have a good reason to have higher taxes, and an unjustified war isn't a good reason.
- Terrorism needs to end, but you can't stop hatred by breeding hatred.
- Marriage. Doesn't matter if they are same sex. The concept of marriage is man-made, so it doesn't really matter if it gets redefined to fit with the time. The argument against marriage between the same sex usually stems from religious reasons, and the State is not/should not be associated with any religion in anyways.
- Opportunities should be given to be people based on their abilities is a plus.

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

Don't really care Army needs to down size their 1 platoon is equal to our whole company. Don't get me started about how much money they get. Our military is already strong as hell. What is up with you people saying we need a stronger military. How can you be better than #1? Do you know how much guns we have? SO MANY GUNS. Some people litterally shot off 300 rounds during our combat course in a single relay. THE FRIGGIN RCO ARE 3000$ The night vision is 16000$.

Anyways Obama is coming to were I'm at in 3 weeks maybe I'll get to talk to him!

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

I work less than a block away from the debate on Monday and idk how I'm gonna drive there

Reply September 25, 2016 - edited

Keep this topic alive until at least Monday. I want to give an in-depth response to this, but I need a day off. Working 5:00 am to 5:30 pm at a warehouse (plus having to spend an hour driving each way) doesn't give me enough time to type a detailed response unless I have a day off. I really have a lot to say about this topic though, so don't let it die just yet.

Reply September 24, 2016 - edited

why are u against same sex marriage?

Reply September 24, 2016 - edited

Despite what they did to him, it seems like Trump would enjoy South Park much more than Hillary, so my vote goes to Trump.

Reply September 24, 2016 - edited