

I survived a disaster

So on the first of July my pc with all the games and stuff broke, this is the longest time i spent without a computer and you can't pay me to do it again

Thanks to mister iPad I have some Internet access(no flash) now I'm super sick of iPads when I get my computer fixed my iPad has my permission to die.

Anyone else have something similar happen?

August 29, 2012

13 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Ickest]I moved to a new house and I guess Verizon was overbooked because I had to wait like 4 months without internet. I kid you not, I really felt like I was going to die. Going from 18 hours a day of internet to NOTHING is horrible. Yes, I had a smartphone but that only helps so much. Anyway, those 4 months were hell: I went to bed at 9 every night, ACTUALLY WENT OUTSIDE, which is scary; started reading books, which were all boring; and overall felt terrible about myself.

Then I got internet back and became euphoric.[/quote]

That's the thing when you get your super powers back it feels super awesome.
But no Internet? You sir are a true survivor.

Hopefully my vessel is fixed by Sunday

Reply August 29, 2012

[quote=qtprincessxoxo]@Nashi For lack of a better phrase, mind your own business. That they or their family are well off enough to spend their money on the latest iSomething and expensive brand clothes gives them more than enough reason to do so. That going a few months without internet or whatever other comforts of life they are used to is a source of discomfort to them, while it may be obnoxious to listen to, gives them more than enough reason to whine about it.

You can choose whether or not to ignore them, and you can choose how to bring up your children (limiting internet and brand goodies and whatnot), but it's not your place to tell others how to live their life so long as what they're doing isn't illegal.[/quote]
I have no clue at which point of my posts I have ever told people how to live o.o
You really sound like you're getting butthurt over this now and I think you don't even understand my reasons/motives either.
Whatever though, have a nice day~ ^-^

Reply August 29, 2012

@BattleScar: There ARE other things though that can be MUCH more interesting than internet. And it's fine if you use it to kill a lil time here and there but if you feel, act and speak like your whole life is going down the drain and you're gonna die cause you're without internet for a day or two or -holycrapapocalypse- for a few months then something's wrong with you imo.
@qtprincessxoxo: Excuse me? Today's "lifestyle" shouldn't be an excuse for kids becoming so damn shallow and materialistic, it's a pain to deal with kids thinking they're oh so cool (or on a sad note: only worth something) if they have the latest iSomething and expensive brand clothes.
Whining about a few months without internet? Please. It's not the center of one's life (case given you don't need it to actually earn money legitly).

Age hardly matters too, few days ago I had a coworker whine about not having internet for a day or two and he's well above 40. There are many other things to do besides internet and many things that are worth more than owning crap worth several hundreds

Reply August 29, 2012

[quote=Nashi]oh dear, kids and internet nowadays.... funny to see how people are so desperate about it...
People back in the day when there were neither computers nor internet didn't get bored either and they probably weren't as shallow and ignorant /materialistic as nowaday's kids are.[/quote]

I wouldn't mind it if everyone else wasn't so materialistic either, like spending their life on fb more than reality. But there are a lot of empty hours I want to fill with pc.

Reply August 29, 2012

@qtprincessxoxo: o.O oh. Well I had no PC or internet until I was 18... I lived just fine. Now look at the 10 year olds burning their house down cause momma and dadda didn't give them their beloved internet

Reply August 29, 2012

oh dear, kids and internet nowadays.... funny to see how people are so desperate about it...
People back in the day when there were neither computers nor internet didn't get bored either and they probably weren't as shallow and ignorant /materialistic as nowaday's kids are.

Reply August 29, 2012

I wonder how you will survive an EMP wave?

Reply August 29, 2012

I'll pay you $2.6m to do it again?

Reply August 29, 2012

good god, that is a disaster.

Reply August 29, 2012

My parents cut off my internet for 3 months.
And I STILL found it okay.

Reply August 29, 2012

... lost computer for a few months - real life disaster. (elite home invasion)

Reply August 29, 2012