Downloading League of Legends right now

So my friends have been talking about this, and I've decided I'll give it a try. What do I need to know, assuming I have 0 knowledge of this game?

February 2, 2013

21 Comments • Newest first


just do the tutorials and when your in a real game buy the reccomended items in the shops and your good. and dont let the enemy team kill you because a death will help them level up faster and get more gold so they can win so don't die.

Reply February 7, 2013

stop in the name of love

Reply February 4, 2013

Edit: nevermind

Reply February 4, 2013 - edited

play bots till level 10 or so till you get the hang of it. Become hotshotgg

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

since you're just starting do this. play co-op games first until you get the feel of it, learn to last hit minions (hitting the little people with very little health), it gives you gold for every last hit. try all the champions that are free and figure out your playing stly,e do you like being a tank, an attack damage carry (adc) an ability power carry (apc), jungle(stays in the jungle and sneaks into other lanes to help your team mates get a kill) or a support, they help mostly the adc in the lane, they don't usually last hit. if you see a champion you want to try, but don't know exactly what to build these are the sites i use:
[url=][/url] <~ this site is what i use to counter an enemy, it usually provides how to lane against a certain champion, what to build against him/her, and a list of champions good against and eak against a champion.
don't buy runes until you're lvl 20 so you can get the tier 3 runes.
follow these steps for 2 free champions + 1 Skin:
[url=]Unchained Alistar[/url]
[url=]Riot Girl Tristana[/url]

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

1. Don't die
2. Win

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=Valky]half the community is mostly comprised of kids between 11 and 17 and tend to rage alot when things don't go their way. on top of that, there are some bad apples among the bunch that troll just cuz they can (ex: mid of afk). alot of folks fight over which lane to take, especially during queue when ur choosing champs. then there's 'feeders', those that give the enemy free kills intentionally. aside from that, community's around the same as maple community, maybe slightly worse of better depending on the time of day u play. be thankful it ain't the Call of Duty or DOTA communities, which tend to be alot worse. i don't know bout DOTA though, but from what i heard, they're worse than League community; i'm not too sure about it though.[/quote]

Depends on each individual doesn't it? There'll always be that group of individuals who represent that horrible bit of the community, but there's also those individuals that are quite enjoyable to play with.

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

feed = dying too much to the other team, intentionally dying to them, throwing yourself at them for no reason, fighting for no reason and dying, suiciding.

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=bongoman]@mytiramisu @Valky How bad is community compared to ms? .__. Cause I can live with that.[/quote]

half the community is mostly comprised of kids between 11 and 17 and tend to rage alot when things don't go their way. on top of that, there are some bad apples among the bunch that troll just cuz they can (ex: mid of afk). alot of folks fight over which lane to take, especially during queue when ur choosing champs. then there's 'feeders', those that give the enemy free kills intentionally. aside from that, community's around the same as maple community, maybe slightly worse of better depending on the time of day u play. be thankful it ain't the Call of Duty or DOTA communities, which tend to be alot worse. i don't know bout DOTA though, but from what i heard, they're worse than League community; i'm not too sure about it though.

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

uhh.. What does "feed" mean?

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

do NOT play custom games, forgot to mention that.
Bots are okay, but not with a bunch of people.
mostly lvl 30s are playing it for fun and hate noobs who feed cus they dont know how to play.
even 30s discriminate 30s based on amount of normal games.

I recommend playing 'Normal' games at least till you get 500 wins in there: thats equivalent to being 'average' or knowing how to play so far.
You get paired up better with people who played as much as you so far and similar level of understanding of the game.

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=bongoman]@mytiramisu @Valky How bad is community compared to ms? .__. Cause I can live with that.[/quote]

it is even worse than cod

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

Add me : Maxliro i dont bite ;3 . Also dont feed the whole team will hate you for it, most times

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

@mytiramisu @Valky How bad is community compared to ms? .__. Cause I can live with that.

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

1. farm, last hitting
2. help ur teammates
3. practice ur champ more
4. dont go individual

yeah thats what you need for low lvl

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

trial and error. but before all that, play the tutorials and a few bot matches so u can get the feel of the game mechanics.
there's a wealth of characters to try out so pick and choose which role u prefer. basic roles include AD(attack damage) carries, AP(ability power) carries, supports, tanks, and assassians. there are more roles in the game, ut i'm too lazy to point them out atm. you'll have to figure out the rest as you get familiar with the game. it's a good game and as tiramisu mentioned, the community can be a pain half the time. it helps to play alongside friends; less trolls and/or annoying people to worry about.

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

you need to know that league of legends sucks

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

btw you need to know how to play each lane such as top lane, mid lane, and bot lane, also there jungle role.

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

my 12 yr old plays it like a boss... so i assume anyone can get a hang of it.

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

people usually rages you during low lv.

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited

Don't listen to what other people tell you. I recently went on hiatus because of the horrid community that will constantly bad mouth you ... in fact I dragged the text down so I couldn't see what other people were telling me.
Enjoy the game, listen only to the people giving you advice (not that often).

Reply February 2, 2013 - edited