

Why Smokers are Annoying

I've been commuting to the city for school since September and over those few feels I developed is a deepen hatred for smokers. The reason being is I'm just standing at the intersection waiting for the walk signal to cross to street when all a sudden a big cloud of SMOKE blows into my face from behind. At that moment, I wanted to punch that person in the face but societal norms bound my emotions. I have to walk a bit of side walk to get school and the amount of second hand smoke I inhale is probably equivalent to smoking a 2 cigarettes per day. I feel these kind of smokers who smoke on sidewalks are extremely selfish because they neglect the fact they're affecting the health of others. Imo, smokers should smoke only in isolated areas away from the general population.

September 20, 2013

12 Comments • Newest first


I love the smell of smoke.

Smoking in front of little kids while wearing sunglasses also makes me feel really cool.

Reply September 21, 2013

"The amount of second hand smoke I inhale is probably equivalent to smoking a 2 cigarettes per day."

Highly unlikely borderline impossible.

OT: Stop being a pansy and grow up, you have a lot to learn.

@momozzz Well said.

Reply September 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=BreakerZ]You legitly retarded? I was standing right behind the person and smoke travels quite a distance.[/quote]

lf you're hanging out with friends and there's a bon fire do you stand in the spot the wind blows? Seems to me like the only retard is you putting yourself in uncomfortable positions then shunning other people because they don't live in a bubble for your convenience. Let me know when you convince the world to cater to your needs, k bud?

Reply September 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=momozzz]>into my face from behind

l wasn't aware your face was on your neck. Also seeing how the smoke would disperse enough to get virtually no damage by the time it went around your head and to your face at which point you could smell it. Stop being a whiny little girl, OP.[/quote]

You legitly retarded? I was standing right behind the person and smoke travels quite a distance.

Reply September 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=BreakerZ]big cloud of SMOKE blows into my face from behind[/quote]

>into my face from behind

l wasn't aware your face was on your neck. Also seeing how the smoke would disperse enough to get virtually no damage by the time it went around your head and to your face at which point you could smell it. Stop being a whiny little girl, OP.

Reply September 21, 2013 - edited

Simmer down, kid.
He's an asshole for doing that. I smoke occasionally. Most smokers are considerate and don't smoke around others.

Reply September 21, 2013 - edited

Yes, smokers sometimes doesn't know what they're thinking and have no life and actually our school's bathroom bunch of strong drug smell from cigarettes, weed, etc that has anything to do with drugs

i try using my hand pinching my nose to avoid smelling it in, but the strong can be too sensitive, and the smell is everywhere inside the bathroom

Reply September 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=DemonDausu]Yes, because a group of smokers represent the entire populace that does smoke.[/quote]
this, plus everyone who smokes in my university does it in designated smoking spots. Don't go near those spots if you don't wanna inhale smoke

Reply September 21, 2013 - edited

Here's what you do. Grab a can of Febreeze. Whip it out and spray back at the smokers' faces.

Reply September 20, 2013 - edited

Yes, because a group of smokers represent the entire populace that does smoke.

Reply September 20, 2013 - edited

WHOA since september?
Get out.

Reply September 20, 2013 - edited

[quote=Danessica]Your school's campus doesn't have a no smoking on campus policy? They don't even care about your health either! The board must be all like *puff puff* we're bringin' all you alls down with us! *snobby laugh*

OT: I think you're overreacting and exaggerating. Smokers ARE annoying but mostly because they're dim-wittingly killing themselves, whomever lives with them, devaluing their houses and cars, wasting money for no raisin at all, creating cigarette allergies, and exacerbating the victims who already have those allergies.[/quote]

How would you like it if a smoker puffed a cloud of smoke in your face? Also, second hand smoking is proven to very lethal and even causes 1000+ deaths per year.

Reply September 20, 2013 - edited