

Kinesis achievement thread

What have you achieved on your kinesis !

December 19, 2015

17 Comments • Newest first


I highly doubt you legitly trained to your current level since you have been banned for botting/macroing before.
It's kind of obvious when you set yourself "offline", AND run a program that automatically makes yourself change channels if another player enters the map.
Not to mention, I myself have seen you "training" at scrapyard maze 5 in the past: Mobs would somehow teleport in front of you, and you would just spam the attack key without responding to players passing by in your map. Oh, you also failed to activate Runes; what kind of player does not take the opportunity to use a rune while training to acquire 100% more bonus EXP for 2~3min? A hacker.
I also don't believe you leveled your mules past 200 without the help of an external program. I do remember seeing your blaze wizard "Cygnusesses" hacking.
The sad thing is that you think you're better than everyone, when you yourself can't even train without the assistance of external programs. You think you deserve to keep your account after getting away with hacking for so long? I think you should just quit and let your account be deleted: You can deny that you have not been hacking to Nexon Staff, but the truth is that you have been hacking AND you intentionally concealed the fact that you were hacking so you would not get caught. You are nothing but a liar who is wasting his time on this game. Just quit while you can; you have nothing more to gain.

Reply March 17, 2016 - edited

There's no "wanting to believe" involved here. You hack and I have proof. It's as simple as that. Most of the people on MYBCKN including people in your own alliance know you hack and thus you have finally been banned yet again for it. I honestly cannot believe you are still trying to lie in this thread in your posts. It's downright pathetic and an absolute insult to everyone here who is actually posting things they have achieved without cheating.

It's funny you bring up the exp thing too. Anyone who has trained can do the math and find that you cannot gain an entire level at 230+ in a single day at 4x. Also to reiterate the point. You gained an entire level from the 15th-16th and continued to do so even before that on a daily basis. That and I have a video of you blatantly hacking while you are "training". I will say though, your auto change channel made it slightly more difficult to catch you but in the end it did little good for you. Appearing offline doesn't help you either. Did you really think you'd get away with it?

I will open your eyes though before I go. Just wanted to make sure the people in this thread and forum weren't being deceived.

Note: Permanent rank removal will be imposed on players that violate the Terms of Use.

Nice achievement once again!

Reply March 17, 2016 - edited

@kooper1234: Whatever you want to believe is honestly all up to you, I personally don't care, my ranking isn't going anywhere and neither am I because I've not hacked. You can rage all you want but the truth of the matter is, running 4x exp all the time, and 8x with as many 2x events as we've had lately, makes leveling extremely easy. You can get upset all you want but you're honestly getting really off topic and attacking me because you, like most of this cancerous server alliance, are unable to accept the fact that there are people better than you.

Reply March 17, 2016 - edited

@spyro: Are you really going to continue lying? You got banned for hacking, not for "afking in henesys". For the people on this thread that actually believe this hacking pile of garbage for even a second I'd be more than happy to show you the proof he hacks.

In the end your achievements account for nothing. You have gear that was made illegitimately through cubes that you obtained through hacking, thus making your dojo time a non factor. You hacked to gain your level. Getting 1 lvl per day at 230+ lol. Really? How stupid do you think people are? This kid thinks so highly of himself that he would stroke his ego even when he cheated full time to get to where he is.

Also enjoy being removed off the ranks for good. If by chance you ever do come back, Nexon's new ban policy means you wont ever be on the ranks again. Good riddance. These piles of trash need to be put down permanently.

Reply March 17, 2016 - edited

@anthonyswill: Lmao, can you add that my dojo time was legit, and I was banned because people can't handle the fact they're not the best at some childish game and reported me for my dojo rank, kkthanks. I was literally banned while I was afking in Henesys. I'll be back in a week. Thanks.

Reply March 17, 2016 - edited

You can add that you got banned for hacking in your next achievement. Also your dojo time is not legit; you hacked inside dojo, which is quite sad.
good game, you pretty much deserved it Watsky.

Reply March 17, 2016 - edited

Haven't posted in a while, list of my achievements so far:

Reached 2m-2m range
Cap on nearly everything
2-3 minute CRA solo, 5 minute CVel Solo
Reclaimed top 5 Kinesis spot
Reached rank 1 in dojo at 6 minutes 57 seconds
Reached level 235
Reclaimed Rank 4 Kinesis Spot.

Reply March 14, 2016 - edited

A quick question for you 200+ers, what is Kinesis's level 200 medal? My google-fu is failing me

Reply January 22, 2016 - edited

@candyyman: I got banned for two days for something stupid, and they changed it to two weeks. Going to try to appeal it later. I was eating and watching a movie while holding down my attack key, so when a GM came in to ask if I was there, I wasn't paying attention. Got banned for Macroing. It's my own fault and I get that, but changing my ban from 2 days to 2 weeks is a bit excessive for my first offense considering the amount of people hard core botting meso in Reboot for 3 day ban. They're making tens of billions and only getting two days of ban... I got like 3% while not looking at my screen and I'm more of a criminal. I would have been unbanned today, but if they decline I'll be gone until the 11th >.>

I was one level behind rank 2 and could have passed both of them in the same day easily too.

Reply December 30, 2015 - edited

Got +1 atk speed by accident at level 80 ish so I only really used like 2k honor or something?

Any kinesis mains out there able to tell me if this ia is any good? I notice with the second job attack (decent aoe range) the skill attacks much faster, but what about 3rd/4th job skills/ other debuff skills of kinesis, do they also become faster?

Reply December 30, 2015 - edited

Reached level 223, should be level 224 before the next rank update, slowly closing the gap between myself and rank 2.

Reply December 26, 2015 - edited

Had a bit of a disaster Horntail run. Got dispelled 5 times in a row and randomly got killed while at full HP (The 1hp thing didn't happen either but w/e). Lost my 2X coupon to it. Also disconnected when using the 150 hyper skill. Though in the end I got from 151 to 155 so it's not too bad.

Reply December 24, 2015 - edited

my kinesis is only level 106, but after a ton of royal face coupons i got the face i wanted. playing in reboot server

Reply December 23, 2015 - edited

Rank #6 overall for Kinesis, almost level 215. Hoping when rankings update to be in the top 5.

Rank #3 now at 215, leveled to 216, hoping to be 217 before the end of the night.

Reply December 22, 2015 - edited

just lvled to 200 today

Reply December 21, 2015 - edited