

Do your parents mix up your names with your siblings?

Why do parents do that? I read an article a long time ago that it's actually not as uncommon or weird as we think for parents to constantly mix up their children's names with one another. But I never read why that is. So do your parents mix up your names with your siblings. Gah. This will be so awks if a lot of basil is an only child. LOL.

How do you feel about your own parents mixing up names all the time? o-o
Edit: I guess to reiterate. I did say constantly. My mom has pretty much never gotten my name right on the first try ever. Keep in mind, my siblings are also male and I'm female. ._.

Also, something else interesting, my dad has never gotten my name wrong. It's only my mom. and I remember the article did say it's usually the mother. But I thought females were supposed to have slightly better memory than males.

November 27, 2015

10 Comments • Newest first


only over the phone bc we sound exactly alike except my sister always sounds perky and i always sound tired. One time my sister called me by her own name though.

Reply November 30, 2015

my mum does that ALL THE TIME.
I've created an equation for this horrendous phenomenon:

name_mom_calls_me = 0.5x + 0.5y

where x = first half of my sibling's name
and y = ending half of my name
sucks yo. :c

Reply November 29, 2015 - edited

This happens to me as well, except it's my dad who always mixes up the names and not my mom. I'm male, but my dad often calls me by my sister's name and vice versa. Knowing he's referring to me, I often respond to my sister's name so I'm not sure if that's making it more difficult for him to break the habit. We use to correct him, but don't bother anymore.

Reply November 29, 2015 - edited

your sexist comments have triggered me.

Reply November 27, 2015 - edited

It'll happen to me or my brother on a daily basis LOL, we're just so used to it we don't care anymore.

Reply November 27, 2015 - edited

My mom does it more than my dad but I interact with her a lot more since my dad is the one who works. .-. But it's annoying cause she'll start with my brother's name and then switch to my dad's and then finally mine.

Reply November 27, 2015 - edited

all the time. they're just getting older.

Reply November 27, 2015 - edited

I think that happens to most people

Reply November 27, 2015 - edited

My aunt messes up names all the time. She knows our names but she just calls us everything else by accident first... even gets her own kids messed up too lol.

Reply November 27, 2015 - edited

too dam different 2 get mixed up

Reply November 27, 2015 - edited